weisongwen / UrbanLoco

UrbanLoco: A Full Sensor Suite Dataset for Mapping and Localization in Urban Scenes
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Which topic could be the pose ground truth #27

Open triplefat opened 1 year ago

triplefat commented 1 year ago

Dear authors: I'm just wondering which topic is the pose ground truth, /novatel_data/inspvax or /novatel_data/bsetpos or /navsat/fix? In addition, if /navsat/odom could be the ground truth for odometry algorithm evaluation?

In my opinion, /novatel_data/bestpos = /novsat/fix while the only difference is their message type. Then /navsat/odom is the same message with /navsat/inspvax, but odom is de-centered of the /navsat/inspvax from the beginning, namely /navsat/odom of the first frame in each bag is a identity matrix and the relative pose between frames of /navsat/odom are exactly the same with it of the /navsat/inspvax.

I'm not sure about that. So could you please help me to use the dataset correctly. Very appreciated!