weisongwen / UrbanLoco

UrbanLoco: A Full Sensor Suite Dataset for Mapping and Localization in Urban Scenes
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Why there is no camera timestamp in California dataset? #3

Closed YiChenCityU closed 4 years ago

YiChenCityU commented 4 years ago

Hi,It's a great dataset. But I found that there is no camera data timestamp in California version. Screenshot 2020-07-22 10:21:06

weisongwen commented 4 years ago

@YiChenCityU Since there is no response after our email contact. We mark this issue as fixed. Thanks for your interests in our datasets.

TakahashiJinxu commented 4 years ago

Hello! I also found that there is no camera data timestamp in California version. Namely, when I tried to extract the camera and IMU data form the ROS bag using Kalibr (after a little modification to support compressed_imgmsg), I found the timestamps of all images are zero. The command I used was kalibr_bagextractor --image-topics /camera_array/cam0/image_raw/compressed --imu-topics /imu_raw --output-folder dataset --bag ../CA-20190828194706_blur_align.bag I also have tried UrbanNav-HK-Data20190428 in urbannav dataset and successfully got the correct timestamps when extracting the data by Kalibr. How can I get the timestamps of the images in California version in this dataset? Thank you in advance!