weixr18 / tensorrt-alpha-ros

ROS version of @FeiYull's TensorRT-Alpha
MIT License
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jetson nano B01推理失败 #2

Open teacher1314 opened 1 week ago

teacher1314 commented 1 week ago

使用的CUDA是10.2 CUDNN是8.2.1 tensorrt是8.2.1 报这个错误: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thrust::system::system_error' what(): radix_sort: failed on 2nd step: cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration: invalid configuration argument 然后我定位到报错函数的函数是tensorrt-alpha-ros/src/utils/kernel_function.cu下的nmsDeviceV2函数,这个函数里面的是thrust::sort_by_key(thrust::device, p_conf, p_conf + srcHeight, p_idx, thrust::greater());这行代码问题

teacher1314 commented 6 days ago
