I am trying to run SAIGE on a binary trait from the UKBB and I wanted to test a small subset of SNPs before running all chromosomes. I am running SAIGE_0.29.3.
I fitted the model using the 93 511 SNPs from the kinship calculations, as you did in the SAIGE manuscript for 424772 samples. My model was fitted using Sex, Age, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4 as non genetic covariates. I am trying to run SAIGE on 10 markers on chromsome 22. The bgen file contains genotype calls for all samples and only the 10 markers to be tested.
I get the following error when trying to run step2 of SAIGE:
Minimum MAF of markers to be testd is 1e-04
Analysis started at 1.54e+09 Seconds
no query list is provided
424772 samples are found in the bgen file
10 markers are found in the bgen file
isVariant: TRUE
It is a binary trait
Analyzing 8381 cases and 416391 controls
ERROR: rs9628178 has B = 16 (not 8)
Could you please help me out to find the cause of this specific error?
Hi there,
I am trying to run SAIGE on a binary trait from the UKBB and I wanted to test a small subset of SNPs before running all chromosomes. I am running SAIGE_0.29.3.
I fitted the model using the 93 511 SNPs from the kinship calculations, as you did in the SAIGE manuscript for 424772 samples. My model was fitted using Sex, Age, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4 as non genetic covariates. I am trying to run SAIGE on 10 markers on chromsome 22. The bgen file contains genotype calls for all samples and only the 10 markers to be tested.
I get the following error when trying to run step2 of SAIGE:
Could you please help me out to find the cause of this specific error?