wejlab / MetaScope

An R-based approach for preprocessing and aligning 16S, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic data (PathoScope version 3.0)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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`align_file` flag in align_target_bowtie not working as expected #21

Closed susheelbhanu closed 1 year ago

susheelbhanu commented 1 year ago

Hi @aubreyodom,

I'm running the following:

target_map <-
    read1 = read1,
    read2 = read2,
    lib_dir = target_ref,
    libs = snakemake@params[["index"]],,
    align_dir = out_dir,
    align_file = snakemake@wildcards["sid"],
    overwrite = TRUE,
    threads = snakemake@threads[[1]],
    quiet = FALSE

The expected output for align_file is the sample name, i.e. BT24.bam. However, the command is outputting the following: BT24_F_filt.fastq.target.bam.

Note that it's generating the filename based on the input file itself. Is this expected behaviour?


susheelbhanu commented 1 year ago

This is resolved at the end of the run. Snakemake creates some latency in file generation. Sorry ;)