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doc/multitrack Documentation around multitrack recording #4

Open dmtrs opened 5 years ago

dmtrs commented 5 years ago

Documentation for multi tracking recording is gather here.


dmtrs commented 5 years ago

Mackie DXB Hook Up Guide Published: Mon August 14, 2006 Source

Using the dXb with a Digital Audio Workstation x200-daw

This example demonstrates how to use the dXb with a digital audio workstation (DAW). Three MIC/LINE 4 cards provide up to 24 microphone and instrument inputs (12 Mic/Line inputs and 12 Line inputs). Three AES cards provide 24 output tracks to the DAW’s audio interface via 25-pin AES/EBU connections. The SMPTE IN/OUTs on the SYNC card provide time code for the DAW. A LINE card provides line-level sends and returns for external effects, and the MIX OUT card provides a stereo line-level control room output and two stereo headphone outputs for monitoring the input sources.

Using the dXb for Surround Sound Mixing x200-surround 0

After getting your tracks down, the three DIGI cards provide inputs for 24-tracks from the hard disk recorder via ADAT optical connections. The MIDI IN/OUTs provide MMC (MIDI Machine Control) to the hard disk recorder and MTC (MIDI Time Code) to the dXb. A LINE card provides up to eight line-level sends for monitoring the mixdown in either stereo (L/R Mix) or surround sound. You can use the AES/EBU or S/PDIF outputs (or the analog MIX OUT) from the MIX OUT card to record a stereo mixdown, or one of the ADAT optical outputs to record the surround stems to a digital multitrack recorder.

Using the dXb for Tracking x200-tracking

This diagram demostrates how to use three MIC/LINE 4 cards, providing up to 24 microphone and instrument inputs (12 Mic/Line inputs and 12 Line inputs). Three DIGI cards provide 24 output tracks to a hard disc recorder via ADAT optical connections. The MIDI IN/OUTs provide MMC (MIDI Machine Control) to the hard disk recorder and MTC (MIDI Time Code) to the dXB. A LINE card provides line-level sends and returns for external effects, and the MIX OUT card provides two stero line-level control room outputs (1=NEAR; 1=MAIN) and two stero headphone outputs for monitoring the input sources.