wekan / ldap

LDAP support for Wekan code has been moved to https://github.com/wekan/wekan/tree/master/packages/wekan-ldap , issues to https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues , and if PRs are needed please add them instead to https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pulls
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LDAP Data synchronisation problem #58

Open apages2 opened 5 years ago

apages2 commented 5 years ago

Server Setup Information:

Problem description: I have the following configuration:

snap set wekan ldap-sync-user-data='true' snap set wekan ldap-sync-user-data-fieldmap='{"cn":"name", "mail":"email", "initials":"initials"}' snap set wekan ldap-sync-admin-status='true' snap set wekan ldap-sync-admin-groups='SG_ACCES_WEKAN_ADMIN'

but the field "initials" is not updated with AD info. Error Message : [DEBUG] user attribute not whitelisted: initials

question: is it possible to synchronize another field than name and email? Exemple : "invitedBoards", "language" or "starredBoards"

the admin role is also not applied to the new user

I can not find any info on the use of the parameter : ldap-sync-group-roles, is it possible to explain its use?

best regards

xet7 commented 5 years ago


Do you have ideas about this?

apages2 commented 5 years ago

for the whitelist problem: the error is certainly from the sync.js file if (syncUserData && syncUserDataFieldMap) { const whitelistedUserFields = ['email', 'name', 'customFields'];

is it possible to add the fields (invitedBoards,language, initials and starredBoards) in the whitelist? if (syncUserData && syncUserDataFieldMap) { const whitelistedUserFields = ['email', 'name','initials','invitedBoards','language','starredBoards','customFields'];

JulianJacobi commented 5 years ago

I can not find any info on the use of the parameter : ldap-sync-group-roles, is it possible to explain its use?

This option i think is a relict from the origin of this module. Because in wekan there are no roles that you can sync with any ldap groups the usage of this option causes a server side error. Maybe we should remove this option completely.

JulianJacobi commented 5 years ago

for the whitelist problem: the error is certainly from the sync.js file if (syncUserData && syncUserDataFieldMap) { const whitelistedUserFields = ['email', 'name', 'customFields'];

is it possible to add the fields (invitedBoards,language, initials and starredBoards) in the whitelist? if (syncUserData && syncUserDataFieldMap) { const whitelistedUserFields = ['email', 'name','initials','invitedBoards','language','starredBoards','customFields'];

No, its not that easy, then you have successfully synced information from ldap to MongoDB and no other part of wekan is able to use this information.

Maybe the customField option in addition to the Accounts_CustomFields option do what you want but i have not really understand yet how this is exactly working.

xet7 commented 5 years ago

Wekan will have Teams/Groups etc so it would be good to have option to assign LDAP group to Team/Department/other group https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/802#issuecomment-468516881

apages2 commented 5 years ago

if we synchronize these fields to add in mongodb, why can not we use?

these fields are well used

"profile" : { "boardView" : "board-view-swimlanes", "templatesBoardId" : "eaf4eBTSxEWGarK8z", "cardTemplatesSwimlaneId" : "39bmFd8dWN6DpNaLm", "listTemplatesSwimlaneId" : "vMMFCSuSXCp3ipuvh", "boardTemplatesSwimlaneId" : "G5eSYund4zM2hNoiT", "language" : "fr", "starredBoards" : [ "2pQeCYkSmNG4fqMf3", "invitedBoards" : [ ] ]

apages2 commented 5 years ago


The PR (Add support for admin status sync #40) is it included in the SNAP package of version 2.38 of wekan?

that would correct my problem : the admin role is also not applied to the new user

xet7 commented 5 years ago


Yes it's included in snap: https://github.com/wekan/wekan/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md#v238-2019-03-06-wekan-release

I don't currently have LDAP server, so I'm unable to test it.

Actually snap is already at v2.40.

apages2 commented 5 years ago


For the differents points:

xet7 commented 5 years ago


Well depends what all custom fields you need.

Profile is just table that is visible at Admin Panel / People. Currently there is Full Name, Email Address, etc. Those are mapped in LDAP and OIDC OAuth2 mapping like any other field currently. So adding new ones would be to just add new column to that table for telephone number, location, services etc. For example, I will add new column for HTTP header to implement https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/2019. I have not added yet to be editable columns initials and verified.

Can you write list about what fields you need?

xet7 commented 5 years ago


What fields you need visible somewhere else than at Admin Panel? For example, do you need them in viewable or editable user profile, or visible when clicking board member avatar?

Daniel-H76 commented 5 years ago

I can confirm that ldap-sync-admin-groups (https://github.com/wekan/wekan-ldap/pull/40) is NOT working in 2.48 too.

xet7 commented 5 years ago


Has it worked in any Wekan version? For any Wekan user?

xet7 commented 5 years ago

In general, if it's known in what Wekan version some feature works and in what Wekan version it does not work, it's easier to fix.

Daniel-H76 commented 5 years ago

Never tried before.

xet7 commented 5 years ago


Can you fix this?

JulianJacobi commented 5 years ago

i can't reproduce the problem. All my running Wekan systems (dev and productive) not running under snap or docker neither are based on fixed releases. My system run on git master with default meteor installation. I had no problem at all. Specially because i'm not be abled to reproduce the problem in my development system i can't fix anything.

Daniel-H76 commented 5 years ago

@JulianJacobi Maybe it's just about poor documentation of the feature. Can you share the ldap-sync configuration of your working environment?

I'm using following config: snap set wekan ldap-sync-admin-status='true' snap set wekan ldap-sync-admin-groups='DL_IT'

The LDAP is Microsoft Active Directory. "DL_IT" is the cn attribute of the group. Groups are nested according to MS best practice, that means the user that needs to get admin rights is NOT member of "DL_IT" domain local group but member of "G_IT" global group which is member of DL_IT.

Questions: Are nested groups supported? Which LDAP attribute is used to match the group? Is it "memberof"? Does ldap-sync-admin-groups expect cn format? "memberof" lists the group in distinguished names format. Does this feature only assign admin right during account creation or will it also assign admin rights if group membership was added after first wekan login?

Daniel-H76 commented 5 years ago

is it possible to add the fields (invitedBoards,language, initials and starredBoards) in the whitelist?

I also vote for having the possibility to sync "initials" from LDAP. They are often used in enterprises to identify employees and currently this is the only field of a wekan user profile that can't be synced.

JulianJacobi commented 5 years ago

Now I understand your problems I think. The admin status sync is based on the groups found by group search of the group filter. So you neet to configure the Group filter options to.


I'm not shure if you need to enable the group filter but I think so.

Daniel-H76 commented 5 years ago

Hm, I though the group filter is used to limit the people that are allowed to login within the given basedn?

I did not find any useful documentation or examples (?) regarding group filters, therefore I tried following: snap set wekan ldap-group-filter-objectclass=group snap set wekan ldap-group-filter-group-id-attribute=cn snap set wekan ldap-group-filter-group-member-attribute=memberof snap set wekan ldap-group-filter-group-member-format=dn

When I set "snap set wekan ldap-group-filter-enable=true", I can no longer login via LDAP. I tried it together with "snap set wekan ldap-group-filter-group-name=DL_IT" but still nit able to login Therefore I've set it to false.

But: Even after adding the goup filter still no luck with assigning admin rights!

It would really be very helpfull if someone could share a working configuration for LDAP with MS AD including assignment of admin rights and may aslo answer the questiins above (nested groups, member vs. memberof, group format),

This is my current setup: default-authentication-method=ldap ldap-authentication=true ldap-authentication-password=password ldap-authentication-userdn=CN=Device,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Accounts,DC=intern,DC=domain,DC=de ldap-basedn=OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=intern,DC=domain,DC=de ldap-enable=true ldap-fullname-field=cn ldap-group-filter-group-id-attribute=cn ldap-group-filter-group-member-attribute=memberof ldap-group-filter-group-member-format=dn ldap-group-filter-objectclass=group ldap-host=dc1.intern.domain.de ldap-login-fallback=true ldap-reconnect=true ldap-sync-admin-groups=DL_IT ldap-sync-admin-status=true ldap-unique-identifier-field=objectguid ldap-user-search-field=UserPrincipalName ldap-user-search-scope=sub ldap-username-field=givenname ldap-group-filter-enable=false


n-st commented 5 years ago

It looks like https://github.com/wekan/wekan-ldap/pull/40 (which adds the admin sync feature) was closed instead of merged, so the code never made it into the repository. Is this intentional?

chirrut2 commented 5 years ago

Hi, i'vh the same problem, that both issues occurs

Config: ldap-sync-user-data='true' \ ldap-sync-user-data-fieldmap='{"cn":"name", "mail":"email", "initials":"initials"}' \ ldap-sync-admin-status='true' \ ldap-sync-admin-groups='grp.app.admin.wekan' \ ldap-group-filter-enable='true' \ ldap-group-filter-objectclass='group' \ ldap-group-filter-id-attribute='cn' \ ldap-group-filter-member-attribute='member' \ ldap-group-filter-member-name='grp.app.wekan'

br, Daniel

xet7 commented 5 years ago

Just for additional info, if all users are admin now, see this new setting: LDAP_USER_AUTHENTICATION=true https://github.com/wekan/wekan/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md#v268-2019-05-10-wekan-release

xet7 commented 5 years ago

Doh, I think I'll need to make that default setting in next Wekan release.

chirrut2 commented 5 years ago

Hi, the LDAP_USER_AUTHENTICATION will enable that the user is directly searching the LDAP instead of of special Account using ldap-authentication-userdn and ldap-authentication-password.

The current configuration: ldap-authentication true ldap-authentication-password <my Admin User DN pwd> ldap-authentication-userdn CN=<my Admin User DN>,DC=at ldap-basedn OU=<my base DN>,DC=at ldap-enable true ldap-fullname-field cn ldap-group-filter-enable true ldap-group-filter-group-id-attribute cn ldap-group-filter-group-member-attribute memberof ldap-group-filter-group-member-format dn ldap-group-filter-id-attribute cn ldap-group-filter-member-attribute sAMAccountName ldap-group-filter-member-name grp.app.wekan ldap-group-filter-objectclass group ldap-host ad.example.at ldap-log-enabled true ldap-sync-admin-groups grp.app.admin.wekan ldap-sync-admin-status true ldap-sync-user-data true ldap-sync-user-data-fieldmap '{"cn":"name", "mail":"email", "initials":"initials"}' ldap-user-search-field sAMAccountName ldap-username-field sAMAccountName

This config works sofar, that all found AD Users are able to login. The Problem is, that all Users are getting ADMIN Privileges in cause of > ldap-sync-admin-groups ='grp.app.admin.wekan' <;; even they are not part of the group in the LDAP; What i can see in the logfiles is, that all users will be queried, the all groups will als be queried but it seams to be that they are not get stick togehter. To see at the login which user has which role assigned.. for example in jasperreports it is a similar case. I'vh combined it by the group search filter: <property name="groupSearchFilter" value="(&amp;(member={0})(objectClass=group))"/>

br, Daniel

xet7 commented 5 years ago


Can you look at this?

xet7 commented 5 years ago


According to one Wekan user, if you set LDAP_SYNC_ADMIN_STATUS to "true" then you also need to specify LDAP_SYNC_ADMIN_GROUPS for which groups are admin. That way it should work as expected, also the mapping of mail/fullname/username etc.

Please test. Thanks!

chirrut2 commented 5 years ago

Hi xet7! my current configuration is as followed:

The behavior is, that the function ldap-sync-admin-groups will work well. So on login the user will get the admin rights. This has also been reduced by "ldap-sync-admin-groups". If i read the debug logs correctly the login will check up the groups are available unter the basedn. Thats ok for me sofar. The problem seams to be, that ALL groups will also be passed to the admin filter, without checkup if the login user is part of the group.

Logsnip: May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] BaseDN "DC=vie,DC=example,DC=com" May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Search result count 1 May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Authenticating "CN=Daniel DH. Hafner,OU=PowerUsers,OU=Benutzer,OU=office,DC=vie,DC=example,DC=com" May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Authenticated "CN=Daniel DH. Hafner,OU=PowerUsers,OU=Benutzer,OU=office,DC=vie,DC=example,DC=com" May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] Group list filter LDAP: "(&(objectclass=group))" May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Search result count 246 May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] Groups: many other roles,grp.app.admin.wekan, grp.app.wekan May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] Group filter LDAP: "(&(objectclass=group)(cn=dbc.app.wekan))" May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Search result count 1 May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] Identifying user with: sAMAccountName May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Querying user May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] userQuery { May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: "services.ldap.id": "61646d2e646861666e" May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: } May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Logging user May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] Updating admin status <<-- starting admin check May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] Group list filter LDAP: "(&(objectclass=group))" May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Search result count 246 May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [DEBUG] Groups: many other roles,grp.app.admin.wekan, grp.app.wekan May 25 10:45:24 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[13731]: [INFO] Syncing user data

In the LDAP the user IS NOT part of the grp.app.admin.wekan group... I dont know how to match the groups which are the user is memberof, for the admin group. This results in: All Users get admin, because in the matching all users have all groups ...

br Daniel

chirrut2 commented 5 years ago

Ivh also checked, that the group filter will also not work . The group is total empty.

May 25 11:12:04 vsvwekan01 wekan.wekan[19357]: [DEBUG] Group filter LDAP: "(&(objectclass=group)(cn=dbc.app.wekan))"

But i dont think that the group is matched to the user in any way.

chirrut2 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Any suggestions what I can do?

Kind Rgds, Daniel

xet7 commented 5 years ago


Group filter issue is at wekan/wekan#2356

Please someone add to Wekan GitHub wiki docs how I could install some LDAP server to some cloud or bare metal server, so that I could test Wekan with it. Problem is, I have never figured out how to install LDAP server, what all the options are, where are docs, how they work, etc. LDAP has been developed by other Wekan contributors, not me. So I'm at the mercy of those Wekan LDAP contributors.

1kidvidiot commented 4 years ago
Wekan Version 3.42.0

Running on Univention Server ucs-bdc.belldesign.com UCS Version 4.4-1 errata305 (Blumenthal) UMC Version 11.0.4-36A~

LDAP No longer works, can only login with password option., Just when I got a dept to start using it, they cant login. Can you fix this. It was working now it isnt. No new LDAP members can login even though they are authorized in USERS in Univention. Nothing changed. New users showing in Univention USERS and Active Directory but they still cant use this program. Even listed in admin panel under People, LDAP as authentication method can only login with password option.

xet7 commented 4 years ago


At Wekan Admin Panel / Setting / Layout / Default Authentication Method, is there LDAP selected?

In Wekan v3.56 for Univention, that will be released in near future, I have made all Wekan LDAP etc settings configurable in Univention App settings, so that it is possible to change those if something is not configured correctly.

tekmans commented 4 years ago

Do it mean that email won't never be updated ? with this whitelist

for the whitelist problem: the error is certainly from the sync.js file if (syncUserData && syncUserDataFieldMap) { const whitelistedUserFields = ['email', 'name', 'customFields'];

is it possible to add the fields (invitedBoards,language, initials and starredBoards) in the whitelist?

In my case i've entered a wrong email, it's impossible to update it

And even after deletion from ldap the user, wekan re import the user, because it still the collection in mongo then the email is wrong.

I had to setup mongo sock available in the host to delete the collection, but it's not simple and to recover a wekan fully fonctionnal it tooks me times...

xet7 commented 4 years ago


What steps you did to recover Wekan fully? I'll think how to make it easier.

xet7 commented 4 years ago

I have added some tasks from this issue to first comment of Teams/Organizations feature. If there is something missing, please comment at Teams/Organizations issue.