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Swedish parliamentary proceedings - Riksdagens protokoll 1867-today
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Add missing MP to wikidata #249

Closed MansMeg closed 1 year ago

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Below are the MPs that are currently missing in wikidata. If you have time to add any of these @salgo60 , feel free.

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

@MansMeg I am back now from Italy I will check the list

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

Magnus list to add more metadata about and connect with the book Tvåkammar Riksdagen and add pictures

Added the following lines after checking updated Emil file

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Great! Our student pushed along quite alot yesterday. So I updated the list of people missing in wikidata. If you have time to add them that would be great @salgo60 !

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

Moved to #254

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Hmmm. Not yet. But I think this discussion should be moved to a separate issue for now. We can fix this later down the line. But I think maybe we should have mandate periods or "riksdagar" as separate objects. But we should check this with the library people.

emla5688 commented 1 year ago

I have found one MP that is missing from Wikidata thus far, and if you have time @salgo60 feel free to add this one

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

This is great work @emla5688 and @salgo60 !

Have you updated your file with these wikidata ids @salgo60 ?

salgo60 commented 1 year ago
image image
salgo60 commented 1 year ago

This is great work @emla5688 and @salgo60 !

Have you updated your file with these wikidata ids @salgo60 ?


1) I do it locally and will check in them at salgo60/Wikidata_riksdagen-corpus/data/WD Register över riksdagsmannabiografier band 1-5.txt 2) Question: Do we have fri license on your next book "ENKAMMAR­ RIKSDAGEN 1971- 1993/94"? We need to have a way to reference it as a source.,... the cool thing with Tvåkammar Riksdagen was that we had every article as a seprate picture... --> could do timelines etc. %20%20(sample(?bild)%20AS%20?bild)%20%0A?birth%20?death%20?partyLabel%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%0A%20%20VALUES%20?member%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20wd:Q33071890%20%0A%20%20%20%20wd:Q81531912%20%0A%20%20%20%20wd:Q82697153%20%0A%20%20%20%20wd:Q10655178%20%0A%20%20%7D%0A%20%20?person%20wdt:P39%20?member;%0A%20%20%20%20wdt:P1343%20?source.%0A%20%20?person%20p:P1343%20?pTva.%0A%20%20OPTIONAL%7B?person%20wdt:P102%20?party%7D%0A%20%20OPTIONAL%7B?person%20wdt:P569%20?birth%7D%0A%20%20OPTIONAL%7B?person%20wdt:P570%20?death%7D%0A%20%20?pTva%20ps:P1343%20wd:Q110346241.%0A%20%20?pTva%20prov:wasDerivedFrom%20%5B%20pr:P4819%20?SPAid%20%5D.%0A%0A%20%20OPTIONAL%20%7B?person%20wdt:P18%20?bild%7D.%0A%20%0A%20%20BIND(URI(CONCAT(%22https://portrattarkiv.se/details/%22,?SPAid))%20AS%20?SPA)%0A%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase:label%20%7B%20bd:serviceParam%20wikibase:language%20%22sv,en%22.%20%7D%0A%7D%20GROUP%20BY%20%20?person%20?personLabel%20%20?death%20?birth%20?partyLabel%0Aorder%20by%20?partyLabel&md=true&g=article&l=SPA&t=personLabel&s=birth&e=death&i=bild&d=0&c=partyLabel&f=partyLabel&v=t) 3) If I get a csv file with the "name in Riksdagen" and the WD Qnumber I can easy use OpenRefine and bactchúpload "Name in Riksdagen" and Source xxx 3-1) if the quite also have the band and page number I could add that which is better than nothing

As I do now Q117286801#P2561


Q117286801#P1343 Beskriven av

fredrik1984 commented 1 year ago

Regarding the book "ENKAMMAR­ RIKSDAGEN 1971- 1993/94", it is not completely free to spread it, but we got ok from Riksdag Library to use it within our project. They have told us that they are looking into that issue at the moment. We have to see what they say.

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

@MansMeg the man "Andersson i Gustafs, A Arne, 2:327 " @emla5688 found looks just have been a substitute I cant find him on anyWiki lists?!?!?

My guess he was not part when the WIki person did those lists and was a substitute 13.11-13.12.1975,12.10.1979-1981/82

Question Måns Add or skip?

I am not sure if WD 2023 adds those persons today before they substitutes someone?..

OT: We have an old technical debt with Riksdagens Öppna data that substitutes are just text strings see #60 Ersättare finns idag bara som text i datat / nearly same as #53

question: @Ainali any comments

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

We should add him. He has had roles in the parliaments and written motions. Hence we need to add him for mapping purposes.

fredrik1984 commented 1 year ago

Yes, the principle should be that every listed person that is in the book series "ENKAMMAR­RIKSDAGEN 1971-1993/94" and "TVåKAMMAR­RIKSDAGEN 1867-1970" should be in our MP database. They have all made it to the Riksdag and thus been assigned some kind of role and done some actions in the parliament.

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

Regarding the book "ENKAMMAR­ RIKSDAGEN 1971- 1993/94", it is not completely free to spread it, but we got ok from Riksdag Library to use it within our project. They have told us that they are looking into that issue at the moment. We have to see what they say.

@fredrik1984 Thanks I feel lesson learned is that the added value when we with one click can read the article about the person is the best --> every article should have an unique persistent identifier that is clickable drawing

I tested now adding "Enkammarriksdagen 1971-1993/94"

Maybe we can find a "workaround" so people doing research and has access can get it by one click...

Add a DOI to every persons article !?!?!?!

SchermanJ commented 1 year ago

For what it's worth I've found a few alternate MPs. The latest one I've added to wikidata is Berit Edvardsson Q117309775 I'm trying to find out which time she was an MP from the chambers' protocol.

SchermanJ commented 1 year ago

Btw, I've previously added Maj Kempe Q116149882

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

FYI @MansMeg another check done in WIkidata --> that checks we have Swedish PM people....

@SchermanJ explained for me that Wikidata user Popperipopp/Robin LInderborg "has imported old "parliamentary motions" and then tried to match who has written them...

SPARQL https://w.wiki/6Un5 finds were a person is not matched during import ...





@SchermanJ has tried to add P7727 "lagstiftande utskott" to many of them as that is missing from older data see issue #57 in my Riksdagens Öppna data backlog / "our" related issues

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

Btw, I've previously added Maj Kempe Q116149882

@SchermanJ Jag frågade på wiki Personfrågor om mer data länk

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Great. We are going to do very similar work so we should collaborate on the old motions.

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

@MansMeg the latest version of Emils file I have seen is c92266ff61704e47fcf872703b30f38b5ba2e6a5 / raw

1) Below updated that file with the above Qnumbers -->Emil updated 20230329.txt

2) 2 lines missed Qnumbers that I have added see above "Added the following lines after checking updated Emil file"

3) some WD objects has been merged SPARQL merged items for people member of the parliament of Sweden


4) now we have 3817 records with Qnumbers

Emil updated 20230329.txt

Next step

1) I will use Emils file and update Wikidata with source book Tvåkammar-riksdagen 1867–1970 / Q110346241 2) ...

Right now the book is referenced 2977 times



SchermanJ commented 1 year ago

Here are four more alternate MPs I've added today and yesterday. Anita Wermelin Q117359725 Lars-Erik Ahlinder Q117378461 Gunnar Elm Q117378629 Ingrid Bolin Q117378928

MansMeg commented 1 year ago


BobBorges commented 1 year ago

On what branch is the most up-to-date people metadata? I came across this guy (Q18274740) in one of the protocols – not in the list of ministers or MPs in my current curation branch.

edit: ol' Carl is in my list after all, but the question stands.

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Yes. There is much coming in with the next PR. That in turn will open up the possibility to further quality improvements of the database.

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Could you file quality checks on the governments back to 1867 as a separate issue? I think it can be worthwhile to do a drive there.

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

@fredrik1984 another oddity person Q105086267#P39 "Germundsson i Tannåker, Peter, 2:154"

In the book Två kammar Riksdagen I read that he never appeared "inställde sig ej" and in Register till Riksdagens protokoll med bihang för tiden från och med år 1867 till och med år 1899. Bd 1, Personregister that he died...

image image

image - Tannåkers kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/VALA/00370/C/3 (1860-1885), bildid: A0015380_00055


My Wikidata modelling swedish / english



Svenskt Porträttarkiv

Lesson learned is that this person had no picture in the book "Tvåkammar Riksdagen" so it was skipped when Omar did all the scanning at Svenskt Porträttarkiv of the book Två Kammar Riksdagen is my guess....

fredrik1984 commented 1 year ago

Indeed! And as I mentioned in an earlier comment, we want everyone in that book. You are doing a great job with this!

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

I think this has now been done (at least the first pass). Great work @salgo60 @SchermanJ and @emla5688 !

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

@MansMeg my understand is that you are doing "testdriven Humaniora" would be nice to see this documented so other can understand the benefits having an echo system of humaniora sources connected with Linked data

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Yes. We are going to write a paper about this. And yes, in a sense this is test-driven social science and humanities.

SchermanJ commented 1 year ago

Here's the last one I've found, and I don't know where to write about this other than here, so here he is: Carl Hugo Hamilton Q117463025

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

@SchermanJ @MansMeg I guess I find him on page 551 as Hamilton, Carl-Hugo, 2:496

image image

--> he doesnt have an article in the book --> I guess he is not in Emils lists

My theory: Emils lists has missed people that are substitutes and has no article but are just part of the pages starting with 2:493 and/or page 551 "Register över ej biograferade ersättare"



emla5688 commented 1 year ago

I have so far only started and completed the list for the MPs in the "Register över biograferade riksdagsledamöter och ersättare", which is also included in the naming of the file that I have sent to you. With that said, I have not missed nor forgotten about the rest of the substitutes.

MansMeg commented 1 year ago

Alright. I think I will open a new issue on adding ”Ej biograferade ersättare”. They should be included long-term. Although, they doesnt seem to have iort. My guess is that they are have not spoken in the parliament.

fredrik1984 commented 1 year ago

Regarding ”Ej biograferade ersättare”, in the book Enkammarriksdagen 1971–1993/94 it says that "I föreliggande arbete biograferas alla ersättare med en sammanlagd tjänstgöring under riksmötena 1974-1993/94 motsvarande minst ett riksmöte eller 240 dagar." (p. 532 in vol. 1:2).

Hence, ”Ej biograferade ersättare” are defined as those who were MP replacers in less than 240 days or a whole riksmöte (aka a Riksdag year).