welfare-state-analytics / riksdagen-corpus

Swedish parliamentary proceedings - Riksdagens protokoll 1867-today
26 stars 5 forks source link

Dev #444

Closed BobBorges closed 6 months ago

BobBorges commented 6 months ago

Update plots in readme.

BobBorges commented 6 months ago

well.. [edit] stats dashboard Notebooks needs a bit of fixin'. Will get on that asap.

ninpnin commented 6 months ago

To make sure we run all the tests, this is what we have in the workflow file now:

name: Perform unit tests
        python -m unittest test.schemas
        python -m unittest test.altocheck
        python -m unittest test.chairs
        python -m unittest test.mp
        python -m unittest test.next_prev
        python -m unittest test.paragraph_has_id
        python -m unittest test.db
MansMeg commented 6 months ago

Great that you split these Väinö!

MansMeg commented 6 months ago

Still failing tests?