weliem / bluez_inc

A C library for Bluez (BLE) that hides all DBus communication. It doesn't get easier than this. This library can also be used in C++.
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How to implement secure characteristic? #14

Closed tvquang-dev closed 10 months ago

tvquang-dev commented 11 months ago


In my project, I'd like to create a GATT service with some characteristics. And I want to make them secure (ask pairing to access them). Unsecure characteristics work fine. Is it Possible ? Is it possible to create secure characteristics with your framework?

Thank you

lizziemac commented 11 months ago

I believe you'd want to make the characteristic part of a service that isn't advertised. For example, using a modified peripheral.c:

        // Setup advertisement
        GPtrArray *adv_service_uuids = g_ptr_array_new();
        g_ptr_array_add(adv_service_uuids, HTS_ADVERTISING_SERVICE_UUID); // Make a service specifically for advertising

        advertisement = binc_advertisement_create();
        binc_advertisement_set_local_name(advertisement, "BINC");
        binc_advertisement_set_services(advertisement, adv_service_uuids); // only add that service to the advertising services
        g_ptr_array_free(adv_service_uuids, TRUE);
        binc_adapter_start_advertising(default_adapter, advertisement);

        // Start application
        app = binc_create_application(default_adapter);
        binc_application_add_service(app, HTS_ADVERTISING_SERVICE_UUID);
        binc_application_add_service(app, HTS_SERVICE_UUID); // this is your real service, DON'T add it to the advertisement

or at least that's how I'm doing it, which results in one service being advertised until the device is paired, there may be more to it that Martijn might know.

weliem commented 11 months ago

Unfortunately it is not (yet) possible to create characteristics that require encryption. I will put that on the backlog....

tvquang-dev commented 11 months ago

Thanks @weliem , @lizziemac ,

I have tried as below and it's working

modified peripheral.c:

agent = binc_agent_create(default_adapter, "/org/bluez/BincAgent", DISPLAY_YES_NO);

modified application.c: -------------- /binc/application.c -------------- index bf36272..90126e8 100644 @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ static GList permissions2Flags(const guint8 permissions) GList list = NULL;

 if (permissions & GATT_CHR_PROP_READ) {

modified characteristic.c: ------------- binc/characteristic.c ------------- index dcb1e83..577f846 100644 @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ static guint binc_characteristic_flags_to_int(GList flags) { char property = (char *) iterator->data; if (g_str_equal(property, "broadcast")) { result += GATT_CHR_PROP_BROADCAST;

weliem commented 11 months ago

I just committed a fix for this issue

weliem commented 10 months ago

Closing issue