Not sure where this belongs, and in exactly what shape, but I had a class
class Annotate' a b where
annotate' :: a -> b
dropAnnotation' :: b -> a
for which I support generic deriving:
instance ( SOP.Generic a
, SOP.Generic b
, SOP.AllZip2 Annotate' (SOP.Code a) (SOP.Code b)
) => CanAnnotate (AnnotateGenericallyAs b a) where
The dropAnnotation' case is awkward however, because we know SOP.AllZip2 Annotate' (SOP.Code a) (SOP.Code b), but we need something that relates SOP.Code b and SOP.Code a (rather than the other way around). In the end I wrote the below; perhaps we could/should give this a place in the lib somewhere?
class c y x => Inv (c :: l -> k -> Constraint) (x :: k) (y :: l)
instance c y x => Inv (c :: l -> k -> Constraint) (x :: k) (y :: l)
data Dict2 (c :: k -> k -> Constraint) (x :: k) (y :: k) where
Dict2 :: c x y => Dict2 c x y
invZip :: forall k c (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]).
SOP.AllZip c xs ys
=> Proxy c
-> Proxy ys
-> Proxy xs
-> Dict2 (SOP.AllZip (Inv c)) ys xs
invZip _ _ _ = go SOP.shape SOP.shape
go :: forall xs' ys'.
SOP.AllZip c xs' ys'
=> SOP.Shape xs' -> SOP.Shape ys' -> Dict2 (SOP.AllZip (Inv c)) ys' xs'
go SOP.ShapeNil SOP.ShapeNil = Dict2
go (SOP.ShapeCons xs) (SOP.ShapeCons ys) =
case go xs ys of
Dict2 -> Dict2
zipImplies :: forall k c d (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]).
SOP.AllZip c xs ys
=> Proxy c
-> Proxy d
-> Proxy xs
-> Proxy ys
-> (forall x y. c x y => Proxy x -> Proxy y -> Dict2 d x y)
-> Dict2 (SOP.AllZip d) xs ys
zipImplies _ _ _ _ f = go SOP.shape SOP.shape
go :: forall xs' ys'.
SOP.AllZip c xs' ys'
=> SOP.Shape xs' -> SOP.Shape ys' -> Dict2 (SOP.AllZip d) xs' ys'
go SOP.ShapeNil SOP.ShapeNil = Dict2
go (SOP.ShapeCons xs) (SOP.ShapeCons ys) =
case (f (Proxy @(SOP.Head xs')) (Proxy @(SOP.Head ys')), go xs ys) of
(Dict2, Dict2) -> Dict2
invAllZip :: forall k (c :: k -> k -> Constraint) (xss :: [[k]]) (yss :: [[k]]).
SOP.AllZip (Inv (SOP.AllZip c)) xss yss
=> Proxy c
-> Proxy xss
-> Proxy yss
-> Dict2 (SOP.AllZip (SOP.AllZip (Inv c))) xss yss
invAllZip pc pxss pyss =
(Proxy @(Inv (SOP.AllZip c)))
(Proxy @(SOP.AllZip (Inv c)))
(invZip pc)
invZip2 :: forall k c (xss :: [[k]]) (yss :: [[k]]).
SOP.AllZip2 c xss yss
=> Proxy c
-> Proxy yss
-> Proxy xss
-> Dict2 (SOP.AllZip2 (Inv c)) yss xss
invZip2 pc pyss pxss =
case invZip (Proxy @(SOP.AllZip c)) pyss pxss of
Dict2 -> case invAllZip pc pyss pxss of
Dict2 -> Dict2
htransInv_SOP :: forall k c f g (xss :: [[k]]) (yss :: [[k]]).
SOP.AllZip2 c yss xss
=> Proxy c
-> (forall x y. c y x => f x -> g y)
-> SOP f xss
-> SOP g yss
htransInv_SOP pc f =
case invZip2 pc (Proxy @xss) (Proxy @yss) of
Dict2 -> SOP.htrans (Proxy @(Inv c)) f
Not sure where this belongs, and in exactly what shape, but I had a class
for which I support generic deriving:
case is awkward however, because we knowSOP.AllZip2 Annotate' (SOP.Code a) (SOP.Code b)
, but we need something that relatesSOP.Code b
andSOP.Code a
(rather than the other way around). In the end I wrote the below; perhaps we could/should give this a place in the lib somewhere?Code