well-typed / optics

Optics as an abstract interface
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Optics.Coerce isn't zero-cost #351

Open adamgundry opened 4 years ago

adamgundry commented 4 years ago

The current implementations of the coerce{S,T,A,B} functions in Optics.Coerce sometimes require traversing data structures and hence are not guaranteed to be zero-cost, unlike coerce. For example we have

instance Functor f => Profunctor (Star f) where
  rmap    g (Star k) = Star (fmap g . k)
  rcoerce' = rmap coerce

At the very least we should make it clear in the Optics.Coerce docs that coercion may involve a runtime cost. But perhaps it is possible to do better. For example, can we use QuantifiedConstraints on Coercible to fake a limited version of higher-order roles?

phadej commented 4 years ago

I thought that we can have (forall x y. Coercible x y => Coercible (p i x a) (p i y a)) => Profunctor p for our profunctors, but

newtype Re p s t i a b = Re { unRe :: p i b a -> p i t s }

screws that idea.

i.e. we either have to be "Coercible1" in both parameters a and b, or in neither.

adamgundry commented 4 years ago

I had a play with this (branch 351-coercibleN-experiment) and got surprisingly far defining a superclass Coercible3 of Profunctor where

type Coercible1 f = (forall a b . Coercible a b => Coercible (f a) (f b)) :: Constraint
type Coercible2 f = (forall a a' b b' . (Coercible a a', Coercible b b') => Coercible (f a b) (f a' b')) :: Constraint
type Coercible3 f = (forall a a' b b' c c' . (Coercible a a', Coercible b b', Coercible c c') => Coercible (f a b c) (f a' b' c')) :: Constraint

but there are a few problems:

I don't think this is a feasible approach now, but maybe in 10 years...

phadej commented 4 years ago

but it is doubtful if that will ever happen, not least because they rule out instances that obey the laws only outside an abstraction boundary

I think that the latter is a myth. See https://oleg.fi/gists/posts/2019-07-31-fmap-coerce-coerce.html#functor-should-be-parametric

adamgundry commented 4 years ago

@phadej interesting, thanks. I knew I had seen something discussing this before, but a quick search turned up only Ryan's post. Still, given how long AMP took, I can't imagine a QuantifiedConstraints superclass on Functor happening in short order...

treeowl commented 2 years ago

@phadej the only practical concern with wrapping a Coercible constraint in Mag is that said constraint won't be unpacked and every leaf of the structure will be one word larger than necessary. There is no way to represent unpacked Coercible evidence in a Haskell GADT, though Core is perfectly capable of doing so. This is very annoying.