well-typed / optics

Optics as an abstract interface
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Add GHC-9.6.1 CI job #480

Closed phadej closed 1 year ago

phadej commented 1 year ago

@adamgundry do you know what

src/Optics/SOP.hs:76:35: error: [GHC-18872]
    • Couldn't match representation of type: Optic
                                               (NS (NP I) (x : xs))
                                               (NS (NP I) (x : xs))
                                               (NP I a6)
                                               (NP I a6)
                               with that of: Optic
                                               m0 ks0 (NS f1 (x1 : xs1)) (NS f1 (x1 : ys0)) a1 b0

might be related to?

adamgundry commented 1 year ago

I haven't looked closely, but there have been some similar-smelling GHC issues recently: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/22924

Looks like it will be worth trying again with the RC.

phadej commented 1 year ago

I tried with a GHC built from ghc-9.6 branch yesterday, and the coercing works!

There's one test failing locally:

     traverseOf_ itraversed = traverseOf_ folded:                                   FAIL
        tests/Optics/Tests/Core.hs:99:21: lhs14 ==~ rhs14 passed.
        Use -p '/traverseOf_ itraversed = traverseOf_ folded/' to rerun this test only.

That test is expected to fail with GHC-9.2 and GHC-9.4, but seems to work again with GHC-9.6!