Closed kenoir closed 9 months ago
In order to use updated base AMIs with standard security requirements baked in, we use the AMIs built and distributed by the platform account.
This change follows:
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: ~ update in-place Terraform will perform the following actions: # module.ec2_cluster_capacity_provider.aws_autoscaling_group.asg will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "asg" { id = "workflow-stage_ec2_cluster_asg" name = "workflow-stage_ec2_cluster_asg" # (25 unchanged attributes hidden) ~ launch_template { id = "lt-0fc1fcede19fc7081" name = "workflow-stage_ec2_cluster_launch_template" ~ version = "37" -> (known after apply) } # (2 unchanged blocks hidden) } # module.ec2_cluster_capacity_provider.aws_launch_template.launch_template will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_launch_template" "launch_template" { ~ default_version = 37 -> (known after apply) id = "lt-0fc1fcede19fc7081" ~ image_id = "ami-0914bb48d354dd0c7" -> "ami-0badf788590737070" ~ latest_version = 37 -> (known after apply) name = "workflow-stage_ec2_cluster_launch_template" tags = {} # (10 unchanged attributes hidden) # (2 unchanged blocks hidden) } # module.worker_node_1.module.autoscaling.aws_appautoscaling_target.service_scale_target will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_appautoscaling_target" "service_scale_target" { id = "service/workflow-stage/workflow-stage-workernode_1" tags = {} ~ tags_all = { + "Department" = "Digital Production" + "Division" = "Culture and Society" + "Environment" = "Staging" + "TerraformConfigurationURL" = "" + "Use" = "Goobi" } # (6 unchanged attributes hidden) } # module.worker_node_bagit.module.autoscaling.aws_appautoscaling_target.service_scale_target will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_appautoscaling_target" "service_scale_target" { id = "service/workflow-stage_ec2/workflow-stage-workernode_bagit" tags = {} ~ tags_all = { + "Department" = "Digital Production" + "Division" = "Culture and Society" + "Environment" = "Staging" + "TerraformConfigurationURL" = "" + "Use" = "Goobi" } # (6 unchanged attributes hidden) } Plan: 0 to add, 4 to change, 0 to destroy.
The EC2 instances are properly monitored and we have a mechanism for keeping their base AMIs up to date.
applied to staging, AMI changes are ignored for the bastion host.... I'll create an issue for that, since some user-data is missing to make things more comfortable.
What does this change?
In order to use updated base AMIs with standard security requirements baked in, we use the AMIs built and distributed by the platform account.
This change follows:
terraform plan
How to test
How can we measure success?
The EC2 instances are properly monitored and we have a mechanism for keeping their base AMIs up to date.