wellcomecollection / platform-infrastructure

:building_construction: Infrastructure for the Wellcome Digital Platform
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Tidy iiif lower environments #391

Closed donaldgray closed 1 year ago

donaldgray commented 1 year ago

What's changing and why?

We have now released new versions of iiif-builder/dds and DLCS. This change rollsback some temporary changes that were made to lower environments to facilitate testing. Changes:

terraform plan diff

Unable to plan changes to CF distro as I do not have appropriate permissions.

Changes for invalidation lambda include other environment but I suspect that is due to s3 object changing.

output of terraform plan for CF invalidation ```hcl Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_sns_topic_policy.iiif_stage_new will be destroyed # (because aws_sns_topic_policy.iiif_stage_new is not in configuration) - resource "aws_sns_topic_policy" "iiif_stage_new" { } # module.api_prod.aws_lambda_function.cloudfront_invalidation will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudfront_invalidation" { id = "api-prod-cloudfront_invalidation" ~ last_modified = "2023-02-23T09:09:41.000+0000" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:api-prod-cloudfront_invalidation:4" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:eu-west-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:api-prod-cloudfront_invalidation:4/invocations" -> (known after apply) ~ s3_object_version = "uRaHFpGwUQII7w2TLchScZaUVmyMw8wN" -> "9ttBHo3Yk6pWw7alYF_lCFY1G.VdJWOw" tags = {} ~ version = "4" -> (known after apply) # (19 unchanged attributes hidden) # (3 unchanged blocks hidden) } # module.api_stage.aws_lambda_function.cloudfront_invalidation will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudfront_invalidation" { id = "api-stage-cloudfront_invalidation" ~ last_modified = "2023-02-23T09:09:41.000+0000" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:api-stage-cloudfront_invalidation:4" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:eu-west-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:api-stage-cloudfront_invalidation:4/invocations" -> (known after apply) ~ s3_object_version = "uRaHFpGwUQII7w2TLchScZaUVmyMw8wN" -> "9ttBHo3Yk6pWw7alYF_lCFY1G.VdJWOw" tags = {} ~ version = "4" -> (known after apply) # (19 unchanged attributes hidden) # (3 unchanged blocks hidden) } # module.iiif_prod.aws_lambda_function.cloudfront_invalidation will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudfront_invalidation" { id = "iiif-prod-cloudfront_invalidation" ~ last_modified = "2023-02-23T09:09:41.000+0000" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:iiif-prod-cloudfront_invalidation:4" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:eu-west-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:iiif-prod-cloudfront_invalidation:4/invocations" -> (known after apply) ~ s3_object_version = "uRaHFpGwUQII7w2TLchScZaUVmyMw8wN" -> "9ttBHo3Yk6pWw7alYF_lCFY1G.VdJWOw" tags = {} ~ version = "4" -> (known after apply) # (19 unchanged attributes hidden) # (3 unchanged blocks hidden) } # module.iiif_stage.aws_lambda_function.cloudfront_invalidation will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudfront_invalidation" { id = "iiif-stage-cloudfront_invalidation" ~ last_modified = "2023-02-23T09:09:41.000+0000" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:iiif-stage-cloudfront_invalidation:4" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:eu-west-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:760097843905:function:iiif-stage-cloudfront_invalidation:4/invocations" -> (known after apply) ~ s3_object_version = "uRaHFpGwUQII7w2TLchScZaUVmyMw8wN" -> "9ttBHo3Yk6pWw7alYF_lCFY1G.VdJWOw" tags = {} ~ version = "4" -> (known after apply) # (19 unchanged attributes hidden) # (3 unchanged blocks hidden) } # module.iiif_stage_new.aws_iam_role.cloudfront_invalidation_exec_role will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role.cloudfront_invalidation_exec_role is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role" "cloudfront_invalidation_exec_role" { } # module.iiif_stage_new.aws_iam_role_policy.lambda_invalidate_cloudfront_distro will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy.lambda_invalidate_cloudfront_distro is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "lambda_invalidate_cloudfront_distro" { } # module.iiif_stage_new.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.basic_execution_role will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.basic_execution_role is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "basic_execution_role" { } # module.iiif_stage_new.aws_lambda_function.cloudfront_invalidation will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_function.cloudfront_invalidation is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudfront_invalidation" { } # module.iiif_stage_new.aws_lambda_permission.execute_from_sns will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_permission.execute_from_sns is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_permission" "execute_from_sns" { } # module.iiif_stage_new.aws_sns_topic.sns_invalidation_topic will be destroyed # (because aws_sns_topic.sns_invalidation_topic is not in configuration) - resource "aws_sns_topic" "sns_invalidation_topic" { } # module.iiif_stage_new.aws_sns_topic_subscription.invalidation_lambda_target will be destroyed # (because aws_sns_topic_subscription.invalidation_lambda_target is not in configuration) - resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "invalidation_lambda_target" { } # module.iiif_test.aws_lambda_function.cloudfront_invalidation will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudfront_invalidation" { } Plan: 0 to add, 5 to change, 8 to destroy. ```
alexwlchan commented 1 year ago

The diff from terraform plan is very large but doesn't look too bad to me – I think it's being overly verbose when bits of the CloudFront get shuffled.

The code changes look fine. Do you want me to apply this?

``` Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: ~ update in-place - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_lambda_function.dlcs_path_rewrite will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_lambda_function" "dlcs_path_rewrite" { id = "cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite" ~ last_modified = "2023-05-05T14:13:24.000+0000" -> (known after apply) ~ qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> (known after apply) ~ s3_object_version = "9bI_zevWmFRgz2Fb1s.rGO7oYhj70NH4" -> "TaXBqEjhOMRUJDINFVPrsb1MZFo9v1p0" tags = {} ~ version = "23" -> (known after apply) # (16 unchanged attributes hidden) # (1 unchanged block hidden) } # module.cert_stagenew.aws_acm_certificate.cert will be destroyed # (because aws_acm_certificate.cert is not in configuration) - resource "aws_acm_certificate" "cert" { - arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:760097843905:certificate/b4f4f15c-ff39-4965-b022-d61d972b46ff" -> null - domain_name = "iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" -> null - domain_validation_options = [ - { - domain_name = "iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" - resource_record_name = "_9b2cf9ab2b7512b1c374c0f247189c9f.iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org." - resource_record_type = "CNAME" - resource_record_value = "_87885364f837002e1cb2d17991acf866.hsmgrxbjqd.acm-validations.aws." }, ] -> null - id = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:760097843905:certificate/b4f4f15c-ff39-4965-b022-d61d972b46ff" -> null - status = "ISSUED" -> null - subject_alternative_names = [] -> null - tags = {} -> null - validation_emails = [] -> null - validation_method = "DNS" -> null - options { - certificate_transparency_logging_preference = "ENABLED" -> null } } # module.cert_stagenew.aws_acm_certificate_validation.validation will be destroyed # (because aws_acm_certificate_validation.validation is not in configuration) - resource "aws_acm_certificate_validation" "validation" { - certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:760097843905:certificate/b4f4f15c-ff39-4965-b022-d61d972b46ff" -> null - id = "2023-01-18 16:24:01.587 +0000 UTC" -> null - validation_record_fqdns = [ - "_9b2cf9ab2b7512b1c374c0f247189c9f.iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org", ] -> null } # module.cert_stagenew.aws_route53_record.cert_validation["iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org"] will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.cert_validation is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "cert_validation" { - fqdn = "_9b2cf9ab2b7512b1c374c0f247189c9f.iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" -> null - id = "Z0902614YH73JBCZG1MA__9b2cf9ab2b7512b1c374c0f247189c9f.iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org_CNAME" -> null - name = "_9b2cf9ab2b7512b1c374c0f247189c9f.iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" -> null - records = [ - "_87885364f837002e1cb2d17991acf866.hsmgrxbjqd.acm-validations.aws.", ] -> null - ttl = 60 -> null - type = "CNAME" -> null - zone_id = "Z0902614YH73JBCZG1MA" -> null } # module.iiif-stage.aws_cloudfront_distribution.iiif will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "iiif" { id = "E1ADWCLNPHV609" tags = { "Managed" = "terraform" } # (17 unchanged attributes hidden) ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } # (18 unchanged blocks hidden) } # module.iiif-stage-new.aws_cloudfront_distribution.iiif will be destroyed # (because aws_cloudfront_distribution.iiif is not in configuration) - resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "iiif" { - aliases = [ - "iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org", ] -> null - arn = "arn:aws:cloudfront::760097843905:distribution/E1H35XDXDHYD5" -> null - caller_reference = "terraform-20230119090956813000000001" -> null - comment = "IIIF APIs (stage-new)" -> null - domain_name = "dlwv244u8ijgv.cloudfront.net" -> null - enabled = true -> null - etag = "E3PIHJJRSXQGBR" -> null - hosted_zone_id = "Z2FDTNDATAQYW2" -> null - http_version = "http2" -> null - id = "E1H35XDXDHYD5" -> null - in_progress_validation_batches = 0 -> null - is_ipv6_enabled = true -> null - last_modified_time = "2023-01-19 09:09:58.206 +0000 UTC" -> null - price_class = "PriceClass_100" -> null - retain_on_delete = false -> null - status = "Deployed" -> null - tags = { - "Managed" = "terraform" } -> null - trusted_signers = [ - { - enabled = false - items = [] }, ] -> null - wait_for_deployment = true -> null - default_cache_behavior { - allowed_methods = [ - "DELETE", - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", - "PATCH", - "POST", - "PUT", ] -> null - cached_methods = [ - "GET", - "HEAD", ] -> null - compress = false -> null - default_ttl = 3600 -> null - max_ttl = 86400 -> null - min_ttl = 0 -> null - smooth_streaming = false -> null - target_origin_id = "iiif" -> null - trusted_signers = [] -> null - viewer_protocol_policy = "redirect-to-https" -> null - forwarded_values { - headers = [ - "Origin", ] -> null - query_string = true -> null - query_string_cache_keys = [] -> null - cookies { - forward = "all" -> null - whitelisted_names = [] -> null } } } - ordered_cache_behavior { - allowed_methods = [ - "DELETE", - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", - "PATCH", - "POST", - "PUT", ] -> null - cached_methods = [ - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", ] -> null - compress = false -> null - default_ttl = 86400 -> null - max_ttl = 31536000 -> null - min_ttl = 0 -> null - path_pattern = "image/A00*" -> null - smooth_streaming = false -> null - target_origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_images" -> null - trusted_signers = [] -> null - viewer_protocol_policy = "redirect-to-https" -> null - forwarded_values { - headers = [ - "Authorization", ] -> null - query_string = true -> null - query_string_cache_keys = [] -> null - cookies { - forward = "none" -> null - whitelisted_names = [] -> null } } - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } } - ordered_cache_behavior { - allowed_methods = [ - "DELETE", - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", - "PATCH", - "POST", - "PUT", ] -> null - cached_methods = [ - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", ] -> null - compress = false -> null - default_ttl = 86400 -> null - max_ttl = 31536000 -> null - min_ttl = 0 -> null - path_pattern = "image/B00*" -> null - smooth_streaming = false -> null - target_origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_images" -> null - trusted_signers = [] -> null - viewer_protocol_policy = "redirect-to-https" -> null - forwarded_values { - headers = [ - "Authorization", ] -> null - query_string = true -> null - query_string_cache_keys = [] -> null - cookies { - forward = "none" -> null - whitelisted_names = [] -> null } } - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } } - ordered_cache_behavior { - allowed_methods = [ - "DELETE", - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", - "PATCH", - "POST", - "PUT", ] -> null - cached_methods = [ - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", ] -> null - compress = false -> null - default_ttl = 86400 -> null - max_ttl = 31536000 -> null - min_ttl = 0 -> null - path_pattern = "image/L00*" -> null - smooth_streaming = false -> null - target_origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_images" -> null - trusted_signers = [] -> null - viewer_protocol_policy = "redirect-to-https" -> null - forwarded_values { - headers = [ - "Authorization", ] -> null - query_string = true -> null - query_string_cache_keys = [] -> null - cookies { - forward = "none" -> null - whitelisted_names = [] -> null } } - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } } - ordered_cache_behavior { - allowed_methods = [ - "DELETE", - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", - "PATCH", - "POST", - "PUT", ] -> null - cached_methods = [ - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", ] -> null - compress = false -> null - default_ttl = 86400 -> null - max_ttl = 31536000 -> null - min_ttl = 0 -> null - path_pattern = "image/M00*" -> null - smooth_streaming = false -> null - target_origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_images" -> null - trusted_signers = [] -> null - viewer_protocol_policy = "redirect-to-https" -> null - forwarded_values { - headers = [ - "Authorization", ] -> null - query_string = true -> null - query_string_cache_keys = [] -> null - cookies { - forward = "none" -> null - whitelisted_names = [] -> null } } - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } } - ordered_cache_behavior { - allowed_methods = [ - "DELETE", - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", - "PATCH", - "POST", - "PUT", ] -> null - cached_methods = [ - "GET", - "HEAD", - "OPTIONS", ] -> null - compress = false -> null - 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"TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_images" -> null - origin_path = "/iiif-img/wellcome/8" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_thumbs" -> null - origin_path = "/thumbs/wellcome/8" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "dash-stage-new.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" -> null - origin_id = "dashboard" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "dds-stage-new.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" -> null - origin_id = "iiif" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_file" -> null - origin_path = "/file/wellcome/6" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_pdf" -> null - origin_path = "/pdf/wellcome/pdf/6" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "pdf-stage-new.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" -> null - origin_id = "pdf_cover" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - restrictions { - geo_restriction { - locations = [] -> null - restriction_type = "none" -> null } } - viewer_certificate { - acm_certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:760097843905:certificate/b4f4f15c-ff39-4965-b022-d61d972b46ff" -> null - cloudfront_default_certificate = false -> null - minimum_protocol_version = "TLSv1" -> null - ssl_support_method = "sni-only" -> null } } # module.iiif-stage-new.aws_route53_record.subdomain will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.subdomain is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "subdomain" { - fqdn = "iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" -> null - id = "Z0902614YH73JBCZG1MA_iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org_CNAME" -> null - name = "iiif-stage-new.wellcomecollection.org" -> null - records = [ - "dlwv244u8ijgv.cloudfront.net", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "CNAME" -> null - zone_id = "Z0902614YH73JBCZG1MA" -> null } # module.iiif-test.aws_cloudfront_distribution.iiif will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "iiif" { id = "E2RTRZI6TQCGOR" tags = { "Managed" = "terraform" } # (17 unchanged attributes hidden) ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } ~ ordered_cache_behavior { # (11 unchanged attributes hidden) - lambda_function_association { - event_type = "origin-request" -> null - include_body = false -> null - lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> null } + lambda_function_association { + event_type = "origin-request" + include_body = false + lambda_arn = (known after apply) } # (1 unchanged block hidden) } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_auth" + origin_path = "/auth/2" + custom_header { + name = "X-Forwarded-Host" + value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" } + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_av" + origin_path = "/iiif-av/wellcome/9" + custom_header { + name = "X-Forwarded-Host" + value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" } + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_images" + origin_path = "/iiif-img/wellcome/9" + custom_header { + name = "X-Forwarded-Host" + value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" } + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_thumbs" + origin_path = "/thumbs/wellcome/9" + custom_header { + name = "X-Forwarded-Host" + value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" } + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_images" + origin_path = "/iiif-img/wellcome/8" + custom_header { + name = "X-Forwarded-Host" + value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" } + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_thumbs" + origin_path = "/thumbs/wellcome/8" + custom_header { + name = "X-Forwarded-Host" + value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" } + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_auth" -> null - origin_path = "/auth/2" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_av" -> null - origin_path = "/iiif-av/wellcome/5" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_images" -> null - origin_path = "/iiif-img/wellcome/5" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_thumbs" -> null - origin_path = "/thumbs/wellcome/5" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_images" -> null - origin_path = "/iiif-img/wellcome/8" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_wellcome_thumbs" -> null - origin_path = "/thumbs/wellcome/8" -> null - custom_header { - name = "X-Forwarded-Host" -> null - value = "iiif-test.wellcomecollection.org" -> null } - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "dash-test.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" -> null - origin_id = "dashboard" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } + origin { + domain_name = "dash-test.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" + origin_id = "dashboard" + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } - origin { - domain_name = "dds-test.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" -> null - origin_id = "iiif" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } + origin { + domain_name = "dds-test.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" + origin_id = "iiif" + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs" + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_file" + origin_path = "/file/wellcome/9" + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } + origin { + domain_name = "dlcs.io" + origin_id = "dlcs_pdf" + origin_path = "/pdf/wellcome/pdf/9" + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_file" -> null - origin_path = "/file/wellcome/5" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "neworchestrator.dlcs.io" -> null - origin_id = "dlcs_pdf" -> null - origin_path = "/pdf/wellcome/pdf/5" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } - origin { - domain_name = "pdf-stage.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" -> null - origin_id = "pdf_cover" -> null - custom_origin_config { - http_port = 80 -> null - https_port = 443 -> null - origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 -> null - origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" -> null - origin_read_timeout = 30 -> null - origin_ssl_protocols = [ - "TLSv1", - "TLSv1.1", - "TLSv1.2", ] -> null } } + origin { + domain_name = "pdf-stage.wellcomecollection.digirati.io" + origin_id = "pdf_cover" + custom_origin_config { + http_port = 80 + https_port = 443 + origin_keepalive_timeout = 5 + origin_protocol_policy = "match-viewer" + origin_read_timeout = 30 + origin_ssl_protocols = [ + "TLSv1", + "TLSv1.1", + "TLSv1.2", ] } } # (6 unchanged blocks hidden) } Plan: 0 to add, 3 to change, 5 to destroy. Changes to Outputs: ~ dlcs_path_rewrite_arn_latest = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:760097843905:function:cf_edge_dlcs_path_rewrite:23" -> (known after apply) - iiif_stage_new_distribution_id = "E1H35XDXDHYD5" -> null ```
donaldgray commented 1 year ago

@alexwlchan - yes, please apply when you get a minute. That is a crazy long output for 0 to add, 3 to change, 5 to destroy!

alexwlchan commented 1 year ago

Applying now!

alexwlchan commented 1 year ago
