Placeholder records for individual A number cards have been generated from the WA/HMM archive catalogue, which lists the contents of each box. With hundreds of cards in each box, and hundreds of thousands of cards in the archive overall, it is understandable that both the museum curators and the later archives cataloguer sometimes made mistakes or transposed digits within the filing sequence. Some phantom entries have crept into Transcribe Wellcome as a consequence, and in some cases the database currently falsely indicates that duplicate cards exist for the same A number. The duplicates report, searchable by archive reference number, lists all known duplications; however sometimes these are actually correct where more than one version of a card has been retained in the archive. The sequence needs checking to remove phantom entries.
Placeholder records for individual A number cards have been generated from the WA/HMM archive catalogue, which lists the contents of each box. With hundreds of cards in each box, and hundreds of thousands of cards in the archive overall, it is understandable that both the museum curators and the later archives cataloguer sometimes made mistakes or transposed digits within the filing sequence. Some phantom entries have crept into Transcribe Wellcome as a consequence, and in some cases the database currently falsely indicates that duplicate cards exist for the same A number. The duplicates report, searchable by archive reference number, lists all known duplications; however sometimes these are actually correct where more than one version of a card has been retained in the archive. The sequence needs checking to remove phantom entries.