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Newsletter signup: update GDPR privacy messaging #10069

Closed jennpb closed 1 year ago

jennpb commented 1 year ago


Update privacy text on newsletter signup forms


To align our newsletter signups with the rest of Wellcome, and to enable Wellcome Collection's email strategy


Jenn met with Sally Larsen, Rachel Collins and Phoebe Harkins in June 2023 to discuss some ideas for improving marketing email sign-ups.

The Marketing team have worked with Emma Palmer (Product Manager, Influence) and her team to test new designs and functionality, which they’ve now rolled out on to wellcome.org. Sally wrote about the changes on Trustnet.

To support the Wellcome Collection email strategy, they’d like to bring our data collection in line with Wellcome. This will involve first updating marketing consent and privacy information; later adding additional data fields.

This extra information enables more personalised mailouts and sets the stage for dynamic content in the future.


Done when

Privacy text

On NewsletterPromo and NewsletterSignup

Change small privacy notice text to By clicking subscribe, you agree to receive this newsletter. You can unsubscribe any time. For information about how we handle your data, [please read our privacy notice](https://wellcome.org/who-we-are/privacy-and-terms).

Remove double opt-in checkbox

On NewsletterSignup

Because we already meet the GDPR criteria for double-opt in (user subscribers, user needs to confirm subscription via email), we no longer need this

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 10 51 46
rcantin-w commented 1 year ago

I've done the UI changes in a PR, but I wonder if there is something to cleanup from some DotDigital dashboard somewhere. The checkbox probably sent data somewhere? I know it was named addressbook_40131 so I wonder if that was a DotDigital rendered name that needs cleaning up? We don't really have access to that dashboard and I'm not sure it's a dev related task either, but I'd leave this ticket open until I can get @jennpb 's confirmation.

rcantin-w commented 1 year ago

See David's comment in the PR, moving this to blocked until next week.

rcantin-w commented 1 year ago

This is now in production. I've tested signups from all 5 emails and it worked in both staging and prod.

(cc @jennpb for comms)