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Create a "More Visual Stories” section near the page footer in every Visual Story page. #10884

Closed kasiabbb closed 3 weeks ago

kasiabbb commented 1 month ago

User story

As a neurodivergent user accessing a visual story I want to see what other visual stories there are available So that I can be confident planning a visit to exhibitions at Wellcome Collections


Create a section for discovering more visual stories in every Visual Story page.

It will be placed at the bottom of the page, above the footer, and visible from the in-page nav as "More visual stories"

It should only show:

Access the designs here: Figma dev mode link (I think this is a new Figma feature, pasting in in case helpful): https://www.figma.com/design/GNL0nN8xkshpBY75LSzMoZ/Visual-Stories-landing-page?m=dev&node-id=789%3A101&t=y80gkfKNB53RMPvI-1

Figma regular link: https://www.figma.com/design/GNL0nN8xkshpBY75LSzMoZ/Visual-Stories-landing-page?node-id=789%3A101&t=y80gkfKNB53RMPvI-1

Figma screenshots:



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