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Treat works with non-existing IIIF Manifests #10907

Open rcantin-w opened 1 month ago

rcantin-w commented 1 month ago

Some works are being flagged in the alerts channel when a user tries to access the Item Viewer (https://wellcome.slack.com/archives/CQ720BG02/p1717403402624589).

This is because it can't find the IIIF Manifest Error: Tried to retrieve IIIF Manifest at https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/presentation/PPROS/K/3/10, but it's 404-ing. To fix, try running the "Rebuild IIIF" task in the iiif-builder dashboard. But it does not exist for a known reason: Archivematica fails to characterise the files and therefore we have no dimensions for them. It's something that needs fixing from Archivematica's side and there is an ongoing conversation for this.

On the frontend, what then happens is that the catalogue API tells us there is a IIIF manifest, but when we go and get it it's not there, so the "View Items" button is still offered up to the user.

As Gareth says in the thread:

We could do what you suggest [hide the button], but we'd need to default to showing the button if there is a link to the manifest in the catalogue API (so it works without javascript), but we do fetch the manifest client side, so we know to replace the link with video/audio players. At that point, if it fails, we could hide the link. Alternatively, we could rewrite things so that we make both calls server side before rendering the page (although for performance reasons we try not do do this). We'd also still need to be alerted to the fact that the manifest didn't load, so we know to fix it.

If we want to fix this and stop the alerts coming into the channel/make them more useful, we could discuss this ticket and agree to a fix.

pollecuttn commented 4 days ago

Turn off alerts as they aren't helping us in the alerts channel currently.

rcantin-w commented 4 days ago

I think we could filter it out so only Archivemetica alerts are blocked. I think the IIIF rebuilds that Ashley could fix looked like https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/presentation/v3/b2945024x and the ones that couldn't were https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/presentation/PPROS/K/3/10 ? So we could try to use that to only implement the "fix" for the latter?