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Consider how to make the categories for active filters clear #10951

Open pollecuttn opened 3 weeks ago

pollecuttn commented 3 weeks ago


Look into how to make it clear which categories active filters are from e.g. Subjects, Contributors

Decide if this is needed for all potential active filters or only e.g. Subjects, Contributors, Languages, Formats


When filters are applied you can't always tell what category they belong to e.g. Subjects, Contributors. This makes it more tricky to work out which to remove if you want to. How would you remove the Subjects filter 'Beales, David, 1954-' here? It's not clear which is the Subjects filter and which is the Contributors filter.

beales https://wellcomecollection.org/search/works?workType=a&contributors.agent.label=%22Beales%2C+David%2C+1954-%22&subjects.label=%22Beales%2C+David%2C+1954-%22

Other confusing potential combinations in addition to Subjects and Contributors:


Mentioned in this Slack thread.

Done when

pollecuttn commented 3 weeks ago

Asking @jcateswellcome to look at this in the first instance.

rcantin-w commented 3 weeks ago

Worth mentioning there have been convos with Jason regarding filters, it was on his radar of things that could be completely redesigned, so maybe we need to look at this from an even higher level? Here's a chat about how not intuitive the removing filters is. There were other things, like the fact that a different number of them display based on screen width (and its sometimes buggy), or maybe the idea of aligning to having the same filtering method on desktop and mobile (instead of dropdowns vs modal box).