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Segment script and cookie consent changes #10964

Closed rcantin-w closed 4 months ago

rcantin-w commented 5 months ago

We're using Segment in this case as we already have it, but we'll want the same behaviour for the pixel tracking scripts.

Current behaviour

  1. User lands on website
  2. Users selects "Essential only" in cookies
  3. Segment script does not load
  4. User goes to Cookie Management modal and consents to "analytics" cookies, leaves the modal.
  5. Segment script does not load
  6. User navigates to next page/reloads current page
  7. Segment script gets loaded and triggers.


  1. User goes back to Cookie Management modal and revokes his "analytics" consent.
  2. Segment script is not removed, nor as associated cookies
  3. User navigates to next page/reloads current page
  4. Segment script is removed, as are associated cookies.

Expected behaviour

  1. User lands on website for the first time
  2. Accepts all cookies
  3. Segment script loads


  1. User lands on website for the first time
  2. Essential cookies only
  3. Segment script does not loads


  1. User lands on website
  2. Users selects "Essential only" in cookies
  3. Segment script does not load
  4. User goes to Cookie Management modal and consents to "analytics" cookies, leaves the modal.
  5. Segment script was added on consent change and triggers


  1. User goes back to Cookie Management modal and revokes his "analytics" consent.
  2. Segment script is removed, as are associated cookies

Things to look into:

Done when

rcantin-w commented 5 months ago

PR was approved but because we'd like to keep an eye on the results and effects and I'm off tomorrow, I suggest we wait until Monday to deploy.

rcantin-w commented 4 months ago

Deployed changes to prod and will keep an eye on the reporting dashboard) for any weirdness.