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Modify /works page to give better context for shonky data and unsettling images #1655

Closed jennpb closed 6 years ago

jennpb commented 6 years ago

Alexandra and Simon have drafted a bit of text which helps put the image collections into context which is especially important when we don't:

The draft has been passed on to @Heesoomoon and @pollecuttn to find someone to subedit.

Last minute sketch idea on @Heesoomoon's desk.

Heesoomoon commented 6 years ago

@davidpmccormick Here are the comps from @Norvard. The content is dated but it demonstrates how we can introduce imagery for tags and copy to break down the information and make it little more engaging. imageslanding_desktop imageslanding_mobile

Norvard commented 6 years ago

Just a note. The stacks of images for each topic is a single image with a transparent background. These are simple to create and I can do the first set.

Heesoomoon commented 6 years ago

@jennpb @pollecuttn @davidpmccormick I had a chance to show the landing page (the version implemented by David) when I was talking to the library visitors (2 graduate students, 3 researcher, 1 non researcher) about the Zoom in/out. Here's quick recap.

I understand we don't want to put too much effort to this yet but it would be good to plan for something more visual and inspirational like these examples. https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/collections https://collections.museumvictoria.com.au https://collection.barnesfoundation.org

jennpb commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the info. Just want to note that I don't expect the explanatory text to be read by everyone; people doing deep research into the collections will want to know how the collection came about, why we have the data we have, and so on, but for the majority of light-touch researchers, I don't imagine they'd engage with the text in the same way.

jennpb commented 6 years ago

AEedit Wellcome Collection images - cultural insensitivities warning-DBEdit.docx @Heesoomoon @davidpmccormick Here's the text that we'd like to use.

Heesoomoon commented 6 years ago

@davidpmccormick Here's the comp for the landing page. imageslanding

jennpb commented 6 years ago
