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Review and collate all known cookies #7581

Closed cbowskill closed 1 year ago

pollecuttn commented 2 years ago

Set by Wellcome Collection

Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
toggle_{id} e.g. toggle_enableNewThing, is used to switch on/off website features that are under development, or only intended for a subset of users e.g. Wellcome staff or people taking part in usability research Up to a year Functional
Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
WC_globalAlert Used to acknowledge the user has dismissed the global alert banner from the site, so it is no longer displayed Session Functional
WC_{id} e.g. WC_wellcomeImagesRedirect, Used to acknowledge the user has dismissed a specific banner from the site, so it is no longer displayed Fri, 31 Dec 2036 23:59:59 GMT Functional
WC_cookiesAccepted Used to acknowledge the user has dismissed the cookie banner from the site, so it is no longer displayed Session Functional
Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
wecoIdentitySession_v1 Used for authentication/maintenance of sessions. 8 hours Essential
Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
isPreview Determies whether to load javascript which allows previews of content from our content management system Session Essential*

* 'Essential' for content editors who need to view preview content. Not essential for general users (but also won't be dropped in the browser for general users)

Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
dlcs-token-2 Created when a user accepts terms for viewing content and is used to grant access to that content. 10 minutes Essential

Third party

Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
did_compat Used for authentication and the maintenance of the sessions. 6 hours Essential
auth0_compat Used for authentication and the maintenance of the sessions. 3 days Essential
auth0 Used for authentication/maintenance of sessions. 3 days Essential
did Auth0 identifier for device/user agent. 6 hours Essential
__cf_bm Cloudflare places the __cf_bm cookie on end-user devices that access customer sites protected by Bot Management or Bot Fight Mode. The __cf_bm cookie is necessary for these bot solutions to function properly. 30 minutes Essential

Auth0 cookie policy details list lots more cookies that may be set when using their services. However, the list above is all I can see being set.

Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
_hjSessionUser_{id} Hotjar cookie that is set when a user first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. 1 year Analytics
_hjSession_{id} A cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session. 30 minutes Analytics
_hjIncludedInSessionSample This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's daily session limit. 30 minutes
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie. 30 minutes Analytics
_hjFirstSeen This is set to identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/false value, indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw this user. It is used by Recording filters to identify new user sessions. Session Analytics
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's pageview limit. 30 minutes Analytics
Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
_gid Registers a unique ID that is used to distinguish visitors and generate statistical data on how each visitor uses the website. 1 day Analytics
_gat Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate (limit the number of requests that have to be made to Google). 1 day Analytics
_ga Registers a unique ID that is used to distinguish visitors and generate statistical data on how each visitor uses the website. 2 years Analytics
_ga_# Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the relevant website, as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. 2 years Analytics
Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. 6 months Functional (3rd party)
YSC Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Session Analytics (3rd party)
CONSENT Used to detect if the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. 2 years Marketing (3rd party)

We embed videos from YouTube using privacy-enhanced mode. This mode may set further Cookies on your computer, once you click on the YouTube video player, which measure how you view YouTube videos on our websites. YouTube will not store personally-identifiable Cookie information for playbacks of embedded videos using the privacy-enhanced mode.

Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
ajs_anonymous_id We use Segment to collect information about how visitors use our website. Segment uses these cookies to identify user sessions 1 year Analytics
seg_first_utm 30 mins Analytics
seg_first_url 30 mins Analytics
optimizelyEndUserId Stores a visitor's unique Optimizely identifier. 6 months Analytics
Cookie name Purpose Expiry Type
prismic-auth Allows requests to Prismic API Session Essential*
io.prismic.preview Used to store Preview token. The Preview token can be used as a valid reference to make API queries. No expiration date. The cookie is set when the user opens the Prismic’s toolbar and is deleted as soon as the user closes the Prismic’s toolbar. Essential*
SESSION Used to store the active user session 21 days Functional*
is-logged-in Cookie used in relation with the active user’s session Session Essential*
X_XSRF Security cookie to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery 3650 days Essential*
intercom-id-{id} Unique anonymous identifier for Intercom messenger service 9 months Essential*
intercom-session-{id} Unique session identifier for the Intercom messenger service. 1 week Essential*
mp_{id}_mixpanel Used to identify individual users and used to measure site performance and usage patterns. 1 year Analytics (3rd party)
_hjSessionUser_{id} Hotjar cookie that is set when a user first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. 1 year Analytics (3rd party)
_hjSession_{id} A cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session. 30 minutes Analytics (3rd party)
_hjid Hotjar cookie that is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. 1 year Analytics (3rd party)
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie. 30 minutes Analytics (3rd party)
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's pageview limit. 30 minutes Analytics (3rd party)
__stripe_sid This information helps us monitor for and detect potentially harmful or illegal use of stripe Services 30 minutes Essential*
__stripe_mid This information helps us monitor for and detect potentially harmful or illegal use of stripe Services 1 year Essential*


Other services checked


The iframe slice in Prismic has the potential to be a source of 3rd party cookies. It is currently only used to include the pano2vr player, such as on this page, which we actually host all the code for and don't set cookies. However, it could be used for other things that might. We should ask the content editors for a heads up, if they intend to use it for anything else.

To do


Where are the boundaries of what we need to list or not?

alexwlchan commented 2 years ago

Gareth's comment on https://github.com/wellcomecollection/wellcomecollection.org/pull/7630 made me wonder; I went to run James's slice analysis tool, and here's the first thing it shows you:

Slice count [
  [ 'instagramEmbed', 0 ],
  [ 'twitterEmbed', 0 ],
  [ 'vimeoVideoEmbed', 1 ],
  [ 'table', 1 ],
  [ 'searchResults', 1 ],
  [ 'mediaObjectList', 1 ],
  [ 'map', 2 ],
  [ 'titledTextList', 2 ],
  [ 'iframe', 4 ],
  [ 'soundcloudEmbed', 4 ],
  [ 'collectionVenue', 5 ],
  [ 'tagList', 11 ],
  [ 'imageList', 15 ],
  [ 'youtubeVideoEmbed', 22 ],
  [ 'contentList', 31 ],
  [ 'discussion', 39 ],
  [ 'infoBlock', 56 ],
  [ 'gifVideo', 58 ],
  [ 'contact', 59 ],
  [ 'quote', 137 ],
  [ 'embed', 187 ],
  [ 'quoteV2', 428 ],
  [ 'editorialImageGallery', 531 ],
  [ 'standfirst', 672 ],
  [ 'editorialImage', 1947 ],
  [ 'text', 7288 ]

If we never use them, I wonder if it's worth removing the Twitter/Instagram embed code entirely, and moving the one Vimeo video over to YouTube?

gestchild commented 2 years ago

It's possible that there are more Vimeo videos, as they can be added with the embed slice. So we'd need to check the pages that include embeds.

alexwlchan commented 2 years ago

Ah sorry, I should have clarified – that was looking for the embed slice. Is there another way they can be included?

Output of ts-node sliceAnalysis --type embed ```yarn run v1.22.10 $ ts-node sliceAnalysis --type embed Slice count [ [ 'instagramEmbed', 0 ], [ 'twitterEmbed', 0 ], [ 'vimeoVideoEmbed', 1 ], [ 'table', 1 ], [ 'searchResults', 1 ], [ 'mediaObjectList', 1 ], [ 'map', 2 ], [ 'titledTextList', 2 ], [ 'iframe', 4 ], [ 'soundcloudEmbed', 4 ], [ 'collectionVenue', 5 ], [ 'tagList', 11 ], [ 'imageList', 15 ], [ 'youtubeVideoEmbed', 22 ], [ 'contentList', 31 ], [ 'discussion', 39 ], [ 'infoBlock', 56 ], [ 'gifVideo', 58 ], [ 'contact', 59 ], [ 'quote', 137 ], [ 'embed', 187 ], [ 'quoteV2', 428 ], [ 'editorialImageGallery', 531 ], [ 'standfirst', 672 ], [ 'editorialImage', 1947 ], [ 'text', 7288 ] ] [ { id: 'YbdPwBEAACAAbADM', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Parent Advocacy and Attitudes Towards Cerebral Palsy in the Mid-20th Century' }, { id: 'YdQ6AhAAAJMQ5mEg', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'Ecstasy' }, { id: 'YXlPFxEAACIAYZHd', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Medical Involvement in the Early Modern Slave Trade' }, { id: 'X5amzBIAAB0Aq6Gm', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Welcome back' }, { id: 'YaoHRRAAAB4A70R8', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'The joy of playing hide-and-seek with rats' }, { id: 'XcMBBREAACUAtBoV', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'Dancing for joy' }, { id: 'Ya36fxAAALdCARt8', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'Spiritual joy' }, { id: 'YYz99REAACQALoaU', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'Joy' }, { id: 'YUMsAxAAACUASyMn', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Racial Difference in the Anglophone Caribbean' }, { id: 'YVSCyRAAAEGADThi', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Experiencing Ear Trumpets in the Enlightenment' }, { id: 'YT-D8hAAACUAOlM5', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'Resolve' }, { id: 'YRU4ExEAAFTsyFIH', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'Hope' }, { id: 'YKTDpxAAACEAGIb7', type: 'exhibitions', format: 'installation', title: 'What does it mean to be human now? Four views by CYP x CALLY' }, { id: 'YTnp_xAAACEARMbn', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Happiness, A Mystery' }, { id: 'XzugyREAACQA6YvG', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'What lies ahead' }, { id: 'YXEyxxEAACEAP3Ai', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'Tranquillity' }, { id: 'YTjLmRAAACEAP6BT', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Harold Offeh In Conversation' }, { id: 'YTjMZRAAACMAP6R2', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Social Dance and Traumatic Histories' }, { id: 'YTXx2BIAACMAFDOx', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Harlots, Whores & Hackabouts' }, { id: 'YLC2ixEAACUAUjmM', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Laurie Britton Newell describes the folding almanac' }, { id: 'XwRMFRQAAOMZ-Xml', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'The gloves are off' }, { id: 'YRTdDhEAAAO0xpDn', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Health and belief in the early 20th century: Good-luck charms' }, { id: 'YRTdWhEAALOYxpJk', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Health and belief in the early 20th century: Evil-eye amulet necklace' }, { id: 'YRTXMBEAAAO0xnWa', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Treatment and rehabilitation in the early 20th century: Prosthetic limb' }, { id: 'YRTbjREAAJ1sxomU', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Treatment and rehabilitation in the early 20th century: A French underground hospital at Verdun' }, { id: 'YROQ5BEAALOYwJOM', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Treatment and rehabilitation in the early 20th century: Kareau figure ' }, { id: 'YLCzexEAACMAUi41', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Thomas Dixon talks about emotions' }, { id: 'YLC0GxEAACUAUjEW', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Rumya Putcha talks about the word namaste and yoga' }, { id: 'YLC0bxEAACUAUjKf', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo talks about contentment' }, { id: 'YLC03xEAACYAUjSe', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Laurie Britton Newell describes Octavia E. Butler’s notes' }, { id: 'YLC4DhEAACQAUj5X', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'George Vasey describes the ‘Smiley Face Protest’' }, { id: 'YLC1QREAACUAUjZP', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Russell Foster talks about sunlight and health' }, { id: 'X_RioBEAACMAPO8o', type: 'events', format: undefined, title: 'Young People, Mental Health and Recipes for Self-care' }, { id: 'YLCuxhEAACMAUiGQ', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Laurie Britton Newell describes ‘Joy with Tranquillity’' }, { id: 'YLC4bBEAACYAUj88', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Amalia Pica describes her installation' }, { id: 'YLC4MBEAACUAUj6O', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Lynne Segal talks about collective joy' }, { id: 'YLC30REAACMAUj2F', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'George Vasey describes Sister Corita Kent’s cookbook' }, { id: 'YLC38BEAACQAUj4Y', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Robin Dunbar talks about social connection and wellbeing' }, { id: 'YLC1DREAACYAUjVy', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Girija Kaimal talks about creativity and health' }, { id: 'YLC0ShEAACUAUjHz', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Laurie Britton Newell describes the ‘Buddha Resisting Demons of Mara’' }, { id: 'YLEF6BEAACUAU18n', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Nothing About Us Without Us' }, { id: 'YMdrkBIAACkA2JYo', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Curating Happiness' }, { id: 'WhhNDSkAACgAhF_o', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'Interpreting the Ayurvedic Man' }, { id: 'YNx66hAAACYAG0x8', type: 'projects', format: 'film', title: 'Joy is a protest' }, { id: 'X5HjkBIAAB8Aln4D', type: 'exhibitions', format: 'installation', title: 'Do you consider yourself healthy?' }, { id: 'YLC3JxEAACYAUjuC', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Raymond Antrobus reads a poem' }, { id: 'YLC3bxEAACMAUjw3', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Morten Kringelbach talks about pleasure and the brain' }, { id: 'YJvGzhIAACAAePnb', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Es Morgan in Conversation With Amy Bell ' }, { id: 'YLC22hEAACQAUjoc', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Chrystel Lebas describes her installation' }, { id: 'YLC2tREAACYAUjnP', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Jacob Kzranowski talks about nature and health' }, { id: 'YJPWAhEAACIA7VJE', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'The Entangled Histories of LGBTQI+ Lives in Britain' }, { id: 'YLC3BBEAACUAUjrf', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Harold Offeh describes his installation' }, { id: 'YJuZphIAACAAeDPa', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Khairani Barokka in Conversation with Bárbara Rodríguez Muñoz ' }, { id: 'YK4IYhEAACUARuKE', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Film and Neurodiversity' }, { id: 'YLC3TxEAACYAUjwC', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'George Vasey describes ‘Athenians Celebrate Bacchus’' }, { id: 'YLC4mREAACMAUkAL', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Joshua Virasami talks about joy and protest' }, { id: 'YLC3jhEAACUAUjxr', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Vivienne Lo describes the ‘San-ts’ai t’u-hui’' }, { id: 'YLCz6hEAACMAUjAx', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Jasleen Kaur describes her installation' }, { id: 'YLC3shEAACYAUjz0', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Sarah Garfinkel talks about optimism and the heart' }, { id: 'X2R1VRMAAExK3dBJ', type: 'exhibitions', format: 'installation', title: 'Standardized Patient' }, { id: 'YIGCUxEAACEAnglz', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Suffragette Surgeons of Endell Street' }, { id: 'YGSd4RAAACgAXS_Y', type: 'events', format: 'seminar', title: 'Picturing the Asylum' }, { id: 'YJEIOREAACIA4Q3D', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'An Extra Pair of Hands with Kate Mosse and Rachel Clarke' }, { id: 'YIA5JRAAACkA1G9q', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Postnatal Depression and New Motherhood with Emma Jane Unsworth ' }, { id: 'YKJlPxAAACQADnkR', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Audio guide for joy: stop 4 [test]' }, { id: 'YKJk5RAAACMADnd5', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Audio guide for joy: stop 2 [test]' }, { id: 'YEj73RAAACEAU9Q6', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Mary Wortley Montagu and the Fight to Cure Smallpox' }, { id: 'YKJlcBAAACEADnn2', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Audio guide for joy: stop 6 [test]' }, { id: 'YKJlWxAAACIADnmP', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Audio guide for joy: stop 5 [test]' }, { id: 'YKJe4RAAACIADmFr', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Audio guide for joy: stop 1 [test]' }, { id: 'YKJlKBAAACQADnin', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'Audio guide for joy: stop 3 [test]' }, { id: 'YDz_DxAAACUAH4Cl', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Young People on Education and What We Learned From Lockdown' }, { id: 'YCLmSxIAACUAY7Cv', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'A Different Kind of Future with Heart n Soul ' }, { id: 'X7KHhxMAACIAdlcw', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'For All I Care podcast' }, { id: 'YG2vDRAAACgAhS8R', type: 'projects', format: 'film', title: 'What does it mean to be human now? Four views by CYP x CALLY' }, { id: 'X5aeBhIAAB4Aq3nK', type: 'events', format: '-', title: 'Monstrous Births in the Middle Ages  ' }, { id: 'YC1QtBUAACkAdhpW', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Faith-based Responses to Epidemics' }, { id: 'X6PGvRMAACMANQi6', type: 'events', format: '-', title: 'Considering the Source of Elizabeth Blackwell’s ‘A Curious Herbal’  ' }, { id: 'XyL-NxAAACAADrLk', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'The masking tapes' }, { id: 'YDUlIhAAAB8AWlPB', type: 'events', format: 'seminar', title: 'Decolonising the Excavations at Jebel Moya' }, { id: 'XzpP-xEAACQA46ss', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'Stress tests' }, { id: 'YBPUPBMAACAAlwgu', type: 'events', format: 'seminar', title: 'Is Tear Gas as British as Tea?' }, { id: 'Xyq03BAAACAAMOX0', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'It’s good to talk' }, { id: 'XzQWoBEAACMAyEMT', type: 'articles', format: 'podcast', title: 'Splendid isolation' }, { id: 'X2S9KxMAAExK3xnj', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Supporting Ourselves in Changing Times' }, { id: 'Wuw2MSIAACtd3Sts', type: 'pages', format: undefined, title: 'RawMinds' }, { id: 'YAcEiRAAACQAx1CP', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Intensive Care with Dr Gavin Francis' }, { id: 'X_RJyxEAACQAPH_R', type: 'events', format: undefined, title: 'Supporting Ourselves While Supporting Our Communities' }, { id: 'YCEq1RIAACMAXBLL', type: 'projects', format: 'film', title: 'Being Human Now, Part 1' }, { id: 'X7vZaBMAACAAn3ND', type: 'events', format: undefined, title: 'D/deaf and Disabled Artists on Making Work Now' }, { id: 'YCEq4xIAACUAXBMI', type: 'projects', format: 'film', title: 'Being Human Now, Part 2' }, { id: 'YBQMsxMAAB8Al-Qe', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'The Surfaces of Skin and Screens ' }, { id: 'X8aD2BIAACQAiRjv', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Curators Introduce Art by Kerry Tribe and Sop' }, { id: 'X2ipQhMAAExK8Kam', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Empathy in an Age of Division' }, { id: 'Xz0_bxAAACYAHIQz', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Changing Our Planet, Changing Our Minds' }, { id: 'X7KY0RMAACMAdqae', type: 'events', format: 'discussion', title: 'Condoms in the Kitchen' }, { id: 'X5mBMhIAAB8AuFde', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'The freedom to provoke' }, { id: 'XzqMThEAACEA5LhA', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'Giving shape to sound' }, { id: 'XxbmdBAAACQAK6y6', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'Acting, disableism and inclusive theatre' }, { id: 'Xp16UhEAACQAl7ZH', type: 'articles', format: 'article', title: 'Disabled musicians and the fight to perform' }, ... 36 more items ] found 136 Done in 6.15s. ```
gestchild commented 2 years ago

So the output above, is a summary of all slice types, and happens regardless of which slice you are actually looking for. Below that you get you get a list of prismic ids etc. for the specific slice you're interested in.

The output above says we have 1 vimeoVideoEmbed, which is what I thought you were referring to when you said, "moving the one Vimeo video over to YouTube?", but this is misleading. This slice is deprecated and now we use the embed slice to include Vimeo videos. So any of the 187 embeds could be a Vimeo embed (or youtube or soundcloud).

in the content app we don't actually do anything with a 'vimeoVideoEmbed' slice. We only deal with 'embed' slices and check if the provider name is Vimeo (or Youtube or Soundcloud).

It looks like there is some tidying up to do in Prismic. Looking at this page, which is the one responsible for [ 'vimeoVideoEmbed', 1 ], in the slice count. It actually includes the vimeoVideoEmbed slice (which we don't render and can be deleted) and another embed slice with the same video, which is the one we show.

This could also be true of the 22 youtubeVideoEmbed slices showing up in the slice count, but I haven't looked.

alexwlchan commented 2 years ago

Ah, I get what you mean now – thanks for explaining. Sorry for muddying the waters!

gestchild commented 2 years ago

I've just run a script over all the pages with embeds and https://wellcomecollection.org/articles/WeSrDCQAAGrtKEo2 does seem to be the only place we have an embed of a Vimeo video. If we can move this to youtube (and get rid of the vimeo code) then that's probably worth doing.

dannybirchall commented 2 years ago

Just noting here that it looks like the vimeo embed on that page has indeed been removed: https://wellcomecollection.org/articles/WeSrDCQAAGrtKEo2

jennpb commented 1 year ago

Closing this as there is no further action at this time. Moved all this info to a document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LhPHsK7RXJKSDn6FcjZnnMsIHnRX1aAyKMwh6LHekyA/edit?usp=sharing