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Improve Prismic model differ output #7676

Open davidpmccormick opened 2 years ago

davidpmccormick commented 2 years ago

Post Slice Machine migration update to ticket

See #10860 where we removed the diffing task

However, we still want a similar script to be used as a local tool. The Slice Machine tool's interface tells us something has changed, but not exactly what. This tool would serve to bridge that gap.

Original ticket

Updates to the model diffing in #7605 can lead to potentially misleading output (the screenshot below might make it look a bit like the Event type doesn't currently exist).

It would be good to find a way to indicate this isn't the case/give a bit more context so we can have confidence we're changing the right thing.

rcantin-w commented 1 month ago

@davidpmccormick can this ticket be closed due to Slice Machine work?

rcantin-w commented 1 month ago

To be reviewed post slice machine work