wellle / tmux-complete.vim

Vim plugin for insert mode completion of words in adjacent tmux panes
MIT License
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tmux-complete outputs 'No tmux found' completion if no tmux instance is running #69

Open javier-lopez opened 8 years ago

javier-lopez commented 8 years ago


Whenever vim is started and if no tmux instances are running, I get 'No tmux found' messages in the completion dialog.


IMHO, tmux-complete should be quiet if no tmux server is detected and maybe even deactivate itself to avoid lagging the completion system.

Thank you for the plugin =)!

wellle commented 8 years ago

I initially added this to give some feedback on why tmux-complete.vim wouldn't work. I understand that this is not nice when a completion system collects completions from multiples sources and this error messages shows up in the list every time.

The readme advises to change g:tmuxcomplete#trigger for such integrations. So how do you feel about keeping the error message when the trigger is the default (invoked with <C-X><C-U>) and silence the plugin when used with a different trigger (invoked differently or via completion system)?

javier-lopez commented 8 years ago

That sounds nice =), however if I may suggest something, it could also depend in a debug or verbose variable.

kepbod commented 7 years ago

This is very annoying. Could you remove it?