welovewordpress / SublimeHtmlTidy

Tidy, clean and prettify your HTML code with this plugin for Sublime Text 2
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Stripping Needed HTML #21

Open brianfeister opened 12 years ago

brianfeister commented 12 years ago

I'm using FontAwesome http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/ which employs <i> tags. Not valid, I realize, but I tried to use the plugin to tidy up some HTML and it strips all of these very essential tags. I have already set the doctype setting as follows

"doctype": "omit"

which, in my opinion, should disable this behavior. Unfortunately, it has no effect, as the stripping of <i> tags persists. Is there another setting I'm missing?

fitnr commented 12 years ago

Try adding "new-inline-tags": "i,video,audio,canvas,source,embed,ruby,rt,rp,keygen,menu,command,time" to your settings file. (All the other tags are added in the default settings file, but ST2 will ignore the setting there if you include it in your user file.)

brianfeister commented 12 years ago

Unfortunately, that doesn't fix the issue, same result with the follow settings file (and I did restart ST2 just in case) :(


fitnr commented 12 years ago

What's your setting for clean? It should be "clean": false for this to work.

brianfeister commented 12 years ago

Unfortunately, I haven't changed clean. It's set to false in my Default settings and is not declared in my user settings.

tysonnero commented 11 years ago

I also tried the above suggestions.

My <i> tags (used with Bootstrap) are being stripped out when formatting.

tysonnero commented 11 years ago

Is there support for the "new-empty-tags" option?

nehbit commented 11 years ago

I am having the same issue. Has there been any workarounds yet?

betsydupuis commented 10 years ago

Having the same issue here.