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D1 Mini Low Power Mode? #19

Closed matthuisman closed 8 years ago

matthuisman commented 8 years ago


I am wanting to have a D1 Mini use as minimal power in deep sleep as possible. I will be using 3x AA batteries connected into the 5v line. I have seen the schematic of the D1 Mini uses a RT9013 reg which can handle 2.2 -> 5.5V so works fine.

Is there a way to disable the D1 Mini "extras" to save power when in sleep? eg: the UART chip

matthuisman commented 8 years ago

It appears the UART chip is powered by 2x 3.3V lines. Could I maybe cut across those to disable?

Would be great having a non-permanent way to disable...

Would be cool if the UART got it's 3.3v power from a separate reg connected to USB power. That way, if not using USB, it won't get used. Or, a simple jumper on it's VCC line.

matthuisman commented 8 years ago

Just spotted forums. Sorry. Closing.

Gulaschcowboy commented 7 years ago

"Just spotted forums. Sorry. Closing."

Sorry, which forum?

TheAustrian commented 7 years ago


Gulaschcowboy commented 7 years ago

What a quick answer. But I can't find a post related to power saving by disabling e.g. UART chip. Any hints? Thanks!

matthuisman commented 7 years ago

It was here: https://forum.wemos.cc/post/1316

But seems it's gone - not sure why.

Can view google cache version here: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Rff18Yd5-lQJ:https://forum.wemos.cc/post/1316+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=nz

TheAustrian commented 7 years ago

Apparently the forum crashed a few weeks ago and they had no backup, so all the old posts are gone - but people there should be able to help if you open a thread.

Gulaschcowboy commented 7 years ago

@matthuisman @TheAustrian Thanks a bunch!

DrSkunk commented 7 years ago

Both the forum and cache link are down.

sej7278 commented 6 years ago

would be interested in this too - like which components to remove (LED's etc.) and how to disable uart etc.

Chief812 commented 6 years ago

wecache is down too! anybody have decision?

Chief812 commented 6 years ago

Disabling UART on D1 Mini is still f...ng actual!!!