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Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header - Error uploading firmware via serial to Lolin D32 #34

Open cgraun opened 2 years ago

cgraun commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I'm not able to upload any firmware to Lolin D32 v1.0 via SERIAL 0 using an FTDI. It always returns the error "Timed out waiting for packet header - Error uploading firmware via serial".

Connection (GPIO0 held low on reset, message "Waiting Download" appears on serial): FTDI - ESP32 VCC - VCC RXD - TXD TXD - RXD GND - GND

Facts and tests done:

EDIT: I've also tried a simple program reading the serial port to turn on and off the onboard LED. It works via USB (CH340) and NOT via serial (through FTDI). Looks like the board can only send data via Serial 0 to the computer and does not receive data.

Any thoughts will be welcome.

Cheers, Carlos.