wen-community / wen-program-library

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Token Extension Token Transfer Guard #71

Closed balmy-gazebo closed 3 months ago

balmy-gazebo commented 4 months ago

Instead of forcing the approve IX to be Called by all programs, we can leave it for Marketplaces to simplify royalties but instead just have the Execute function check CPI-ing programs for blacklist/whitelist that could be a global value in WNS (as this is how we'd ultimately have to do it with approve.



kespinola commented 4 months ago

I'm excited about this one and would like to see folks thoughts on building this as separate protocol from the current royalty distribution which blurs the lines between WNS and itself. If the protocol is decoupled from WNS then it can serve as a general token extension hook protocol.

WEN NGMI PROTOCOL Allows fungible and non fungible tokens to govern which protocols are allowed to facilitate the transfer of the asset based on an allow list.


WEN community also hosts a management portal for teams to pick from community managed lists to add to their mint.

The simpler allow list style still allows mints to block protocols that don't respect royalties without directly being responsible for royalty distribution which complicates interacting with the protocol for marketplaces.

balmy-gazebo commented 4 months ago

Makes sense, I think doing a blacklist might be better than whitelist on this.

The other important thing is thinking about how to maintain the distribution component to just be a one call system for sending out royalties funds as is now. Even if we drop the approval piece

kespinola commented 4 months ago

Token Extensions Transfer Guards


This specification introduces a guard system for governing the transfer of Token Extension (TE) mints via TE token transfer hooks. Mint authorities can setup a guard to control the transfer flow of the asset.

Use cases





A management and discovery portal for guards.


Mint Authorities:




luke-truitt commented 4 months ago

How do you see this integrating with the execute instruction? Passing in the CPI GUARD account to Execute in WNS and then having it deserialize there? Or would the transfer hook be owned by the CPI GUARD program?

luke-truitt commented 4 months ago

I support this approach though and generally separating royalty distribution contract entirely into a convenience module. The current model results in a lot of wasted space for every CPI with the excess APPROVE call, which would be resolved by having the transfer guard be purely white/black list based (or more complex).

kespinola commented 4 months ago

@luke-truitt current thinking is this is a completely separate and stand-alone offering from WNS so it owns the hook execution and guard accounts.

WNS style mints can add guard to their WNS asset.

luke-truitt commented 4 months ago

Yes okay thats a good idea. Maybe should include some modifications to WNS alongside that. Remove the default Execute function thats added for Royalty Enforcement and make it a choice? Also should drove the Approve account.

kespinola commented 4 months ago

Brief standup notes:

Approach for releasing:

  1. Create guard
  2. Register wen_token_guard as token extension on dummy mint
  3. Write hook that reads guard and does allow lookup
  4. Build out more of the guard logic and settings
kespinola commented 4 months ago

Guard A guard will be be linked to a WNS asset. Whoever owns the asset has the rights to update the guard.

seed = ["token_extension_guard", "guard", {mint}]

checks for who can create or update guard:

A guard is considered immutable if the supply of token_account is burned or closed.

When updating a guard The update instruction should take the mint and token_account of the signer. The signer must have token_account with balance 1 and sign the instruction in order to modify the contents of the guard.

balmy-gazebo commented 4 months ago

Not sure this is the best approach as then if someone wanted to "avoid" royalties they would be able to just remove the hook for the asset they own no?

balmy-gazebo commented 4 months ago

Should probably be the asset metadata authority that has this control

kespinola commented 4 months ago

Rules can be evaluated based on the state of the mint, token being transferred, or programing cati.

Rule {
  object: CPI PROGRAM ID,
  object: PROGRAM,
  outcome: ALLOW | DENY
Rule {

Guard {
 rules: Vec<Rule>
kespinola commented 4 months ago

Not sure this is the best approach as then if someone wanted to "avoid" royalties they would be able to just remove the hook for the asset they own no?

Should probably be the asset metadata authority that has this control


The use of an asset to govern authority rights on the guard does not mean that entity has rights to remove the token extension or guard from the mint.

It does give rights to update the guard rule set. My thinking is that communities will maintain guards and mint authorities can choose to attach them to their asset. If the authority of the mint doesn't like some rule added to a guard they can copy it, modify, be the authority on the guard, and assign it to their mint.

With the community part of the guard system I wanted to have a means of displaying descriptive information on the guard like image, name, description, external url etc. I don't like having another 2 accounts associated to the guard but do think they are decoupled. Meaning the asset portion of the guard is solely for display and management of the guard. Once the guard is assigned to the mint for transfer enforcement it doesn't need to worry about the asset attached to the guard ie no extra accounts to pass or register for the TE other than the guard account.