wenbowen123 / BundleTrack

[IROS 2021] BundleTrack: 6D Pose Tracking for Novel Objects without Instance or Category-Level 3D Models
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OpenCV Error no kernel image when running predictions on YCBInEOAT #15

Closed Hanziscool closed 2 years ago

Hanziscool commented 2 years ago


Everything is currenly running inside docker. Packages from pip list shows these which are aligned with the one in lf-net-release-env:

  1. Opencv-python
  2. Tensorflow-gpu 1.4.0
  3. Cuda 10.1.243

Top bash is running python run_server.py, running properly.

Bottom bash is running ython scripts/run_ycbineoat.py --data_dir /home/jrojas/YCBInEOAT/tomato_soup_can_yalehand0 --port 5555 --model_name 005_tomato_soup_can --model_dir /home/jrojas/YCBInEOAT/YCB_Video_Dataset/models/005_tomato_soup_can/textured_simple.obj /home/jrojas/BundleTrack/scripts/../build/bundle_track_ycbineoat /tmp/config_YCBInEOAT.yml

I downloaded https://archive.cs.rutgers.edu/archive/a/2020/pracsys/Bowen/iros2020/YCBInEOAT/https://archive.cs.rutgers.edu/archive/a/2020/pracsys/Bowen/iros2020/YCBInEOAT/ and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gmcDD-5bkJfcMKLZb3zGgH_HUFbulQWu/view . I put them in /home/usrname/YCBInEOAT . However i noticed that when i run predictions, its looking for a missing masks folder, so i downloaded https://archive.cs.rutgers.edu/archive/a/2021/pracsys/2021_iros_bundletrack/masks.tar.gz and put it inside /home/usrname/YCBInEOAT/tomato_soup_can_yalehand0/

wenbowen123 commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you download the latest code and change to =1? https://github.com/wenbowen123/BundleTrack/blob/748d5693a5b4ac29ae65eff84c4b128816e29dab/CMakeLists.txt#L19

Then run again rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make This will disable opencv's GPU running with a slower running speed. See if this fix your problem.

Hanziscool commented 2 years ago

fixed, can run predictions & evaluations on ycbineoat now thanks a lot!

wenbowen123 commented 2 years ago

Following https://github.com/wenbowen123/BundleTrack/issues/9#issuecomment-1001982186

Did you re-compile by rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make?

You mentioned you didn't see anything in the debug_dir. Can you first make sure you have that folder created?

Hanziscool commented 2 years ago

yes i have re-compiled and run the code previously and it is still showing frame %s and %s findNN too few match, %s status marked as FAIL

@wenbowen123 i have attached the outputs in the debug_dir. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pooX1QakKrywwz8IRDwvGkrnFtaQi-bD?usp=sharing

I found that it can only produce yellow keypoints for the initial object pose, but able to track the segmentation shown in the folder color_raw

Hanziscool commented 2 years ago


@wenbowen123 Here it is unable to produce the right keypoints when the object is moved away from the starting pose.

wenbowen123 commented 2 years ago

Did you change the LOG level to 3 or higher? Your logged data seems incomplete.

Also make sure the detected image is saved and check how many keypoints are detected around here: https://github.com/wenbowen123/BundleTrack/blob/4c4a5c0a70ac6808d92fbca615c5d2c16370aaee/src/FeatureManager.cpp#L130

Hanziscool commented 2 years ago

yes @wenbowen123 i tried with LOG 3 and i am not seeing any more logged data. The detected image is not saved either. Does it have to do with the commented detector in FeatureManager.cpp from the latest commit?

wenbowen123 commented 2 years ago

Can you keep LOG=3 and copy the complete (or as much as you can) run output from your terminal to here?

Hanziscool commented 2 years ago

output from run_ycbineoat.py mask dir is /home/jrojas/BundleTrack/scripts/../masks/ycbineoat/tomato_soup_can_yalehand0/masks and code dir is /home/jrojas/BundleTrack/scripts /home/jrojas/BundleTrack/scripts/../build/bundle_track_ycbineoat /tmp/config_tomato_soup_can_yalehand0.yml cam K= 319.582 0 320.215 0 417.119 244.349 0 0 1 ob_in_cam0 0.0376972 -0.0101344 -0.999238 0.0716899 0.994209 -0.100319 0.038525 0.122491 -0.100633 -0.994904 0.00629392 0.770057 0 0 0 1

data has 1308 images Connected to port 5555 color file: /home/jrojas/YCBInEOAT/tomato_soup_can_yalehand0/rgb/1582751106936950586.png

New frame 1582751106936950586 zmq start waiting for reply zmq got reply color file: /home/jrojas/YCBInEOAT/tomato_soup_can_yalehand0/rgb/1582751106969170614.png

New frame 1582751106969170614 zmq start waiting for reply zmq got reply finding corres between 1582751106969170614(id=1) and 1582751106936950586(id=0) frame 1582751106969170614 and 1582751106936950586 findNN too few match, 1582751106969170614 status marked as FAILcolor file: /home/jrojas/YCBInEOAT/tomato_soup_can_yalehand0/rgb/1582751107228941885.png

New frame 1582751107228941885 zmq start waiting for reply zmq got reply finding corres between 1582751107228941885(id=1) and 1582751106936950586(id=0) frame 1582751107228941885 and 1582751106936950586 findNN too few match, 1582751107228941885 status marked as FAILcolor file: /home/jrojas/YCBInEOAT/tomato_soup_can_yalehand0/rgb/1582751107296592676.png

output from lfnet run_server.py /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/importlib/_bootstrap.py:219: RuntimeWarning: compiletime version 3.5 of module 'tensorflow.python.framework.fast_tensor_util' does not match runtime version 3.6 return f(*args, **kwds) Loading from /home/jrojas/BundleTrack/lf-net-release/release/models/indoor/config.pkl ---------------------- OPTIONS ----------------------

             activ_fn  leaky_relu
       aug_max_degree  180
        aug_max_scale  1.4142135623730951
           batch_size  6
           clear_logs  False
         com_strength  3.0
           conv_ksize  5
          crop_radius  16
        data_raw_size  362
            data_size  256
              dataset  scannet
         depth_thresh  1.0
        desc_activ_fn  relu
      desc_conv_ksize  3
             desc_dim  256
          desc_inputs  photos
     desc_leaky_alpha  0.2
            desc_loss  triplet
          desc_margin  1.0
     desc_net_channel  64
       desc_net_depth  3
            desc_norm  l2norm
      desc_perform_bn  True
     desc_train_delay  0
           descriptor  simple_desc
             det_loss  l2loss
             detector  mso_resnet_detector
 do_softmax_kp_refine  True
     hard_geom_thresh  False
             hm_ksize  15
             hm_sigma  0.5
         hpatches_dir  /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/hpatches
        init_num_mine  64
      input_inst_norm  True
      kp_com_strength  1.0
          kp_loc_size  9
          leaky_alpha  0.2
              log_dir  /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/results/deep_det/desc/180705-scannet-ori-sv-3d/adam-lr-1e-3-False/mso_resnet_detector/scannet-15/aug-rTrue-180-sTrue/ori-True-5-scl-5-0.7-1.4/desc-photos-D256-topk-512/mine-rand_hard_sch-64-5-0.9/innorm-True/wdet-0.01/ori-l2loss-w-0.1/scl-0.1/nms3d-True/try-1
                   lr  0.001
             lr_decay  False
  match_reproj_thresh  5
              max_itr  50000
       max_seq_length  2000
       min_num_pickup  5
          mining_type  rand_hard_sch
            net_block  3
          net_channel  16
        net_max_scale  1.4142135623730951
        net_min_scale  0.7071067811865475
       net_num_scales  5
            nms_ksize  5
           nms_thresh  0.0
          num_threads  16
         optim_method  adam
            ori_ksize  5
             ori_loss  l2loss
           ori_weight  0.1
           patch_size  32
           perform_bn  True
         pickup_delay  0.9
        random_offset  False
              rot_aug  True
            scale_aug  True
   scale_com_strength  100.0
         scale_weight  0.1
          scannet_dir  /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/scannet/dataset
         scenenet_dir  /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/scenenet
   score_com_strength  100.0
          sfm_dpt_dir  /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/colmap/dataset2/vis-0.4
          sfm_img_dir  /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/colmap/colmap
             sfm_mode  nips
              sfm_seq  sacre_coeur
        sfm_train_seq  train.txt
        sfm_valid_seq  valid.txt
       show_histogram  False
             sm_ksize  15
            soft_kpts  True
           soft_scale  True
                top_k  512
       train_main_seq  0
       train_num_traj  100
            train_ori  True
    train_pair_offset  15
      train_same_time  True
            use_nms3d  True
       valid_num_traj  10
    valid_pair_offset  15
           webcam_dir  /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/WebcamRelease
      weight_det_loss  0.01

Act-Fn: <function get_activation_fn.. at 0x7f08713e8730> Apply instance norm on input photos Scales (0.707107~1.41 #5): [1.41421356 1.18920712 1. 0.84089642 0.70710678] PAD=16, #conv=8, ksize=5 ori-ksize=5 Act-Fn: <function relu at 0x7f07ed279400> ===== SimpleDesc (reuse=False) =====

1 conv-bn-act (?, 16, 16, 64)

2 conv-bn-act (?, 8, 8, 128)

3 conv-bn-act (?, 4, 4, 256)

FLAT (?, 4096) Feat-Norm: L2-NORM FEAT (?, 256) 2022-01-05 07:11:29.448931: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:137] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 AVX512F FMA 2022-01-05 07:11:29.597981: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1030] Found device 0 with properties: name: NVIDIA RTX A6000 major: 8 minor: 6 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.8 pciBusID: 0000:9e:00.0 totalMemory: 47.54GiB freeMemory: 23.00GiB 2022-01-05 07:11:29.598059: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1120] Creating TensorFlow device (/device:GPU:0) -> (device: 0, name: NVIDIA RTX A6000, pci bus id: 0000:9e:00.0, compute capability: 8.6) Load trained models... Checkpoint models-latest-42000 port tcp://:5555 lfnet listending to tcp://:5555 W=400, H=400 lfnet listending to tcp://*:5555 W=400, H=400

@wenbowen123 I noticed you disabled the detector in Featuremanager.cpp in the latest commit, does this also remove the key point detection?

wenbowen123 commented 2 years ago

Can you add a line _fm->vizKeyPoints(frame) at https://github.com/wenbowen123/BundleTrack/blob/4c4a5c0a70ac6808d92fbca615c5d2c16370aaee/src/Bundler.cpp#L118

and check the output in the debug_dir?

kausiksivakumar commented 2 years ago

Following #9 (comment)

Did you re-compile by rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make?

You mentioned you didn't see anything in the debug_dir. Can you first make sure you have that folder created?

I changed the things as you mentioned but I could not find visualizations for NOCS. The debug directory contains /tmp/BundleTrack/nocs/can_arizona_tea_norm_1 . These contain color_viz (which is empty) and poses that txt files each holding homogeneous transformation matrix. Could you help with the visualizations. Thanks