Closed kausiksivakumar closed 2 years ago
Does it have something to do with the commented part of the code BundleTrack/src/FeatureManager.cpp line 98
Also me changing debug_dir on config_nocs.yml doesn't seem to change the directory in which the results are stored
Also I tried changing log = 3 in manually Now, when I run again, I get this as feedback
But me changing log = 3 in config_nocs.yml is not changing anything in the feedback. Could you please help me with this @wenbowen123 . I sincerely appreciate your time and effort. Thank you
Hi, sorry for the late reply.
PATH TO THE RUNNING OUTPUTS: this refers to the debug_dir in config_nocs.yml
But me changing log = 3 in config_nocs.yml is not changing anything in the feedback. Could you please help me with this @wenbowen123 . I sincerely appreciate your time and effort. Thank you
What command did you run after it? Can you elaborate your complete steps. In particular, I
Also I tried changing log = 3 in manually Now, when I run again, I get this as feedback
This should be the right way to do, but I'm not sure why you run into that error. Can you use some printing function to get some clues where it happens?
Can you show me the file structures under debug_dir: /tmp/BundleTrack/
if you didn't change the debug_dir.
This is my file structure in the debug dir. I changed it in instead of the config_nocs.yaml file i am able to get keypoints visualized but it is unable to find matches between images.
I'm basically getting this error, When I change log to 3 in I am getting keypoints visualized but it is unable to match them
Yes, the keypoints detection look good. It should be the matching problem.
Can you change this line to =1 and re-build and run?
Oh, it is already = 1. The outputs that are linked in this thread is after changing this line to 1
I get this when I turn it to 0
It is strange that you got frame 389 right after 0. Are the RGB files in your image folder complete and ordered?
Yes they are. This matching error occurs at all the frames from 1 to 389.
This continues till frame 389
can you replace with this code then re-build and run and copy the output here?
void SiftManager::findCorresbyNN(std::shared_ptr<Frame> frameA, std::shared_ptr<Frame> frameB)
assert(frameA->_id > frameB->_id);
if (frameA->_keypts.size()==0 || frameB->_keypts.size()==0) return;
const float max_dist_no_neighbor = (*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_dist_no_neighbor"].as<float>();
const float cos_max_normal_no_neighbor = std::cos((*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_normal_no_neighbor"].as<float>()/180.0*M_PI);
const float max_dist_neighbor = (*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_dist_neighbor"].as<float>();
const float cos_max_normal_neighbor = std::cos((*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_normal_neighbor"].as<float>()/180.0*M_PI);
const int H = frameA->_H;
const int W = frameA->_W;
bool is_neighbor = std::abs(frameA->_id-frameB->_id)==1;
std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches_AB, matches_BA;
std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > knn_matchesAB, knn_matchesBA;
const int k_near = 5;
cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = cv::DescriptorMatcher::create(cv::DescriptorMatcher::BRUTEFORCE);
matcher->knnMatch( frameA->_feat_des, frameB->_feat_des, knn_matchesAB, k_near);
matcher->knnMatch( frameB->_feat_des, frameA->_feat_des, knn_matchesBA, k_near);
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = cv::cuda::DescriptorMatcher::createBFMatcher(cv::NORM_L2);
matcher->knnMatch( frameA->_feat_des_gpu, frameB->_feat_des_gpu, knn_matchesAB, k_near);
matcher->knnMatch( frameB->_feat_des_gpu, frameA->_feat_des_gpu, knn_matchesBA, k_near);
printf("knn_matchesAB: %d, knn_matchesBA: %d\n",knn_matchesAB.size(),knn_matchesBA.size());
printf("111 knn_matchesAB: %d, knn_matchesBA: %d\n",knn_matchesAB.size(),knn_matchesBA.size());
if (_matches[{frameA,frameB}].size()<5 && is_neighbor)
frameA->_status = Frame::FAIL;
printf("frame %s and %s findNN too few match, %s status marked as FAIL", frameA->_id_str.c_str(), frameB->_id_str.c_str(), frameA->_id_str.c_str());
Yes, this is what I received for all the frames
Is there something going wrong with the way I have installed packages?
This is strange. I tested a while ago and didn't have this error. Can you update with this and repeat the steps? Also make sure you didn't change the code beyond the configuration files.
void SiftManager::findCorresbyNN(std::shared_ptr<Frame> frameA, std::shared_ptr<Frame> frameB)
assert(frameA->_id > frameB->_id);
if (frameA->_keypts.size()==0 || frameB->_keypts.size()==0) return;
const float max_dist_no_neighbor = (*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_dist_no_neighbor"].as<float>();
const float cos_max_normal_no_neighbor = std::cos((*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_normal_no_neighbor"].as<float>()/180.0*M_PI);
const float max_dist_neighbor = (*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_dist_neighbor"].as<float>();
const float cos_max_normal_neighbor = std::cos((*yml)["feature_corres"]["max_normal_neighbor"].as<float>()/180.0*M_PI);
const int H = frameA->_H;
const int W = frameA->_W;
bool is_neighbor = std::abs(frameA->_id-frameB->_id)==1;
std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches_AB, matches_BA;
std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > knn_matchesAB, knn_matchesBA;
const int k_near = 5;
cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = cv::DescriptorMatcher::create(cv::DescriptorMatcher::BRUTEFORCE);
matcher->knnMatch( frameA->_feat_des, frameB->_feat_des, knn_matchesAB, k_near);
matcher->knnMatch( frameB->_feat_des, frameA->_feat_des, knn_matchesBA, k_near);
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = cv::cuda::DescriptorMatcher::createBFMatcher(cv::NORM_L2);
matcher->knnMatch( frameA->_feat_des_gpu, frameB->_feat_des_gpu, knn_matchesAB, k_near);
matcher->knnMatch( frameB->_feat_des_gpu, frameA->_feat_des_gpu, knn_matchesBA, k_near);
printf("knn_matchesAB: %d, knn_matchesBA: %d\n",knn_matchesAB.size(),knn_matchesBA.size());
printf("111 knn_matchesAB: %d, knn_matchesBA: %d\n",knn_matchesAB.size(),knn_matchesBA.size());
if (_matches[{frameA,frameB}].size()<5 && is_neighbor)
frameA->_status = Frame::FAIL;
printf("frame %s and %s findNN too few match: %d, %s status marked as FAIL\n", frameA->_id_str.c_str(), frameB->_id_str.c_str(), _matches[{frameA,frameB}].size(), frameA->_id_str.c_str());
Hmm, I still get the same error But that said, I did change a few things. For instance, I changed data, mask and debug directory in the yml file I found that the logs and the debug directory were getting overwritten so I had to change it in file And I added in Bundler.cpp
Should I try reinstalling the process from scratch again?
Hey @wenbowen123 I tried reinstalling the code from scratch. But I still received the same error as stated
I found that the logs and the debug directory were getting overwritten so I had to change it in file
Hi, can you clarify how are these over-written (or over-written by what)? It should change the output folder of BundleTrack so the results will dumped there.
Can you replace collectMutualMatches with below and repeat the previous steps? We might be close to find the problem.
void SiftManager::collectMutualMatches(std::shared_ptr<Frame> frameA, std::shared_ptr<Frame> frameB, const std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches_AB, const std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches_BA)
auto &matches = _matches[{frameA, frameB}];
for (int i=0;i<matches_AB.size();i++)
int Aid = matches_AB[i].queryIdx;
int Bid = matches_AB[i].trainIdx;
float uA = frameA->_keypts[Aid].pt.x;
float vA = frameA->_keypts[Aid].pt.y;
float uB = frameB->_keypts[Bid].pt.x;
float vB = frameB->_keypts[Bid].pt.y;
const auto &ptA = frameA->_cloud->at(std::round(uA), std::round(vA));
const auto &ptB = frameB->_cloud->at(std::round(uB), std::round(vB));
Correspondence corr(uA,vA,uB,vB, ptA, ptB, true);
for (int i=0;i<matches_BA.size();i++)
int Aid = matches_BA[i].trainIdx;
int Bid = matches_BA[i].queryIdx;
float uA = frameA->_keypts[Aid].pt.x;
float vA = frameA->_keypts[Aid].pt.y;
float uB = frameB->_keypts[Bid].pt.x;
float vB = frameB->_keypts[Bid].pt.y;
const auto &ptA = frameA->_cloud->at(std::round(uA), std::round(vA));
const auto &ptB = frameB->_cloud->at(std::round(uB), std::round(vB));
Correspondence corr(uA,vA,uB,vB, ptA, ptB, true);
printf("111 #matches=%d\n",matches.size());
I thinkhe (in run_one_scene_one_model function) overwrites the value passed in yaml. If you notice the logs are reset to 0 and cur_out_dir is also updated Due to this whatever changes I make to config_nocs.yaml gets overwritten and I the default results directory remains in /tmp/BundleTrack and the log is always 0
I changed CollectMutualMatches with the script given I got this for all frame combination this might be the problem. Are you running with a GPU and does the cuda program compile successfully?
How do I check that. I see that when building it using the script given, I get 100% successfully. Could you let me know what you meant by the cuda program? Where do I see where the depth map is set and how do I change it?
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: compiletime version 3.5 of module 'tensorflow.python.framework.fast_tensor_util' does not match runtime version 3.6
return f(*args, **kwds)
Loading from /home/kausik/DAIR/BundleTrack/lf-net-release/release/models/indoor/config.pkl
---------------------- OPTIONS ----------------------
activ_fn leaky_relu
aug_max_degree 180
aug_max_scale 1.4142135623730951
batch_size 6
clear_logs False
com_strength 3.0
conv_ksize 5
crop_radius 16
data_raw_size 362
data_size 256
dataset scannet
depth_thresh 1.0
desc_activ_fn relu
desc_conv_ksize 3
desc_dim 256
desc_inputs photos
desc_leaky_alpha 0.2
desc_loss triplet
desc_margin 1.0
desc_net_channel 64
desc_net_depth 3
desc_norm l2norm
desc_perform_bn True
desc_train_delay 0
descriptor simple_desc
det_loss l2loss
detector mso_resnet_detector
do_softmax_kp_refine True
hard_geom_thresh False
hm_ksize 15
hm_sigma 0.5
hpatches_dir /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/hpatches
init_num_mine 64
input_inst_norm True
kp_com_strength 1.0
kp_loc_size 9
leaky_alpha 0.2
log_dir /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/results/deep_det/desc/180705-scannet-ori-sv-3d/adam-lr-1e-3-False/mso_resnet_detector/scannet-15/aug-rTrue-180-sTrue/ori-True-5-scl-5-0.7-1.4/desc-photos-D256-topk-512/mine-rand_hard_sch-64-5-0.9/innorm-True/wdet-0.01/ori-l2loss-w-0.1/scl-0.1/nms3d-True/try-1
lr 0.001
lr_decay False
match_reproj_thresh 5
max_itr 50000
max_seq_length 2000
min_num_pickup 5
mining_type rand_hard_sch
net_block 3
net_channel 16
net_max_scale 1.4142135623730951
net_min_scale 0.7071067811865475
net_num_scales 5
nms_ksize 5
nms_thresh 0.0
num_threads 16
optim_method adam
ori_ksize 5
ori_loss l2loss
ori_weight 0.1
patch_size 32
perform_bn True
pickup_delay 0.9
random_offset False
rot_aug True
scale_aug True
scale_com_strength 100.0
scale_weight 0.1
scannet_dir /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/scannet/dataset
scenenet_dir /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/scenenet
score_com_strength 100.0
sfm_dpt_dir /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/colmap/dataset2/vis-0.4
sfm_img_dir /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/colmap/colmap
sfm_mode nips
sfm_seq sacre_coeur
sfm_train_seq train.txt
sfm_valid_seq valid.txt
show_histogram False
sm_ksize 15
soft_kpts True
soft_scale True
top_k 512
train_main_seq 0
train_num_traj 100
train_ori True
train_pair_offset 15
train_same_time True
use_nms3d True
valid_num_traj 10
valid_pair_offset 15
webcam_dir /scratch/trulls/yuki.ono/datasets/WebcamRelease
weight_det_loss 0.01
Act-Fn: <function get_activation_fn.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7efe1b9a47b8>
Apply instance norm on input photos
Scales (0.707107~1.41 #5): [1.41421356 1.18920712 1. 0.84089642 0.70710678]
PAD=16, #conv=8, ksize=5 ori-ksize=5
Act-Fn: <function relu at 0x7efe30855400>
===== SimpleDesc (reuse=False) =====
#1 conv-bn-act (?, 16, 16, 64)
#2 conv-bn-act (?, 8, 8, 128)
#3 conv-bn-act (?, 4, 4, 256)
FLAT (?, 4096)
Feat-Norm: L2-NORM
FEAT (?, 256)
2022-02-15 15:03:44.081732: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 AVX512F FMA
2022-02-15 15:03:45.259521: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] successful NUMA node read from SysFS had negative value (-1), but there must be at least one NUMA node, so returning NUMA node zero
2022-02-15 15:03:45.259807: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Found device 0 with properties:
name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU major: 8 minor: 6 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.485
pciBusID: 0000:01:00.0
totalMemory: 3.82GiB freeMemory: 3.74GiB
2022-02-15 15:03:45.259836: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Creating TensorFlow device (/device:GPU:0) -> (device: 0, name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0, compute capability: 8.6)
Load trained models...
Checkpoint models-latest-42000
port tcp://*:5555
lfnet listending to tcp://*:5555`
This is where I get something about the gpu printed. I'm presuming that since I get some information about my gpu pritned, I believe that it is using my GPU. But I don't know where to start checking about my depthmap being set to zero. Could you help with this. Thanks, I sincerely appreciate the help This only works when I set this to 1
Your laptop has NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti
which is relatively new. I remember some users have met similar issues using the newer GPUs. This repo has been tested on 2080 Ti. Other older GPUs may also work. I don't have newer GPUs to develop and test on my side, so there is not plan of supporting the new GPUs in near future. Another workaround will be rewriting all the cuda code by C++.
Okay, we do have a computer set up with an older version of the GPU. Is there any specific graphic driver version that you want me to install. Just making sure that I cover all the bases
We used driver 460 and CUDA 11.2
Yes, it works. I believe as you said, the problem is with the newer GPUs. Also, the path to download the weights returns a 404 now. Thought I should bring it to your notice
In the instructions mentioned for running evaluations on NOCS, what is the directory of [PATH TO THE RUNNING OUTPUTS]? Also while running predictions on NOCS, I followed #15 's instructions and updated Bundler.cpp accordingly. Even after doing that, I could not find the the visualizations of NOCS stored in the results directory. I could only find a directory called poses that contains all the homogeneous transforms in a txt file. The directory color_viz does not contain any file. Could you help me with it. Thanks
I did three things, 1) set log = 3 (in config_nocs.yml) 2) Add _fm->vizKeyPoints(frame); in Bundler.cpp 3) I did not quite understand what you were going for here . Could you clarify how to save the image? This is my output that I received at terminal while running predictions on NOCS
The above message is for all the frames Could you help me with this. Thanks