wenchonglai / doggie-slides

A web application that supports the CRUD and presentation basic PowerPoint-style slides and elements powered by scalable vector graphics (Note: This is a clone of the Google Slides as Wenchong Lai's Full-Stack Project for App Academy).
MIT License
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Design Docs To Do List #1

Open mwmadsen67 opened 3 years ago

mwmadsen67 commented 3 years ago

Wiki Page Home

MVP List

Database Schema

Sample State

Backend Routes

Frontend Routes

mwmadsen67 commented 3 years ago

Hi Wenchong, here are some notes on your design docs:

MVP List:


State Shape:

Frontend Routes:

Backend Routes:

Looking good Wenchong, feel free to comment here on any questions or comments you have for me.

wenchonglai commented 3 years ago

Hi Mike, thank you for all your comments. Your advice is extremely helpful and makes more and more sense as I proceed.

Based upon your comment notes, please let me know if I could change the MVP List to below. Thank you.

MVP List

Doggie Slides, a clone of Google Slides, is a web-based editing and presentation application that supports the create, read, update, delete, as well as rendering of basic slides, texts, and graphics.

Basic Features

1. Hosting on Heroku (04/03/2020, 1 day)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (04/04/2018, 2 days)

3. Basic editing and presentation interface (04/06/2018, 2 days)

5. Basic text editing (04/08/2018, 2 days)

4. Text and graphic element management and editing (04/10/2018, 2 days)

6. Image and shape editing (4/12/2018, 2 days)

7. Production README (04/14/2020, 1 day)

Bonus Features

Caching and autosave

Multi-User collaboration

wenchonglai commented 3 years ago

Hi Mike, please see my response to your comments regarding the schema, frontend routes, and backend routes below. Thank you.


Frontend Routes:

Backend Routes:

mwmadsen67 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the response Wenchong. Yes I am happy with these updates to your MVP list and the rest of your design docs. Also, I agree that groups could be a bonus feature due to the workload.

Feel free to slack me or comment here if you have any questions.

wenchonglai commented 3 years ago

Will do! Thank you so much, Mike!