wendall911 / TCIntegrations

A Minecraft 1.18+ mod designed to provide modpack integrations with other mods for Tinkers' Construct
MIT License
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Mekanism Integration #27

Closed wendall911 closed 1 year ago

wendall911 commented 1 year ago


wendall911 commented 1 year ago

Quote from Aquifel7 on CurseForge:

Historically, oldschool Tinkers had it. Primary new material in Mekanism is Osmium, but you could also make Refined Obsidian and Refined Glowstone, along with 'Osgoglass' which was an alloy of all three. Osmium gave you extra durability and increased XP gain, Refined Obsidian gave you extra durability and sometimes prevented durability loss, Refined Glowstone made nearby entities glow and increased your critical hit rate. Osgoglass let you auto deposit blocks you mined into a linked inventory which was cool, but weird? Also, of course, we don't have to follow history.

For me, refined obsidian makes sense as a generic harder tool metal, its pretty, but kinda boring and there's no real 'lore' there. I think Osmium would be cool if it had some kind of interaction with RF/energy since that is kind of Mekanism's thing (Hits with this weapon recharge items in inventory? Lifesteal kind of but for things w/energy requirements? or maybe it regenerates energy passively? solar powered?). Refined glowstone could be interesting, it would make sense for it to somehow interact with light.