wendall911 / TCIntegrations

A Minecraft 1.18+ mod designed to provide modpack integrations with other mods for Tinkers' Construct
MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link

Create Support #4

Closed wendall911 closed 1 year ago

wendall911 commented 1 year ago
mlysle commented 1 year ago

I use your mod with Materialis (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/materialis). Because both mods support Brass there are redundant items when running the mods together. As far as I know this is the only overlap between the two mods. It would be nice if one mod could prioritize the other. I'm asking here because materials support is the only focus of Materialis, whereas this is a general compatability mod.

wendall911 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting. I'll take a look. I can probably include some conditional logic if the mod is installed.

wendall911 commented 1 year ago

@mlysle I think I should mark Materialis as incompatible. It wasn't available for months after 1.18 was released, and I didn't even realize it existed. What is really shocking is that it is way more popular (likely because it existed for 1.16) and it just released support for 1.18. I think a person should choose one or the other. Materialis is just for having a bunch of materials, and while I could disable some stuff, the integrations in this mod are actually thought out and implemented for modpack balance. Materialis should actually provide the mechanism to disable their integrations individually, as many don't add much if anything to the core concept.

For example, Botania support in TCIntegrations has several cool features. If I disable the materials in this mod, then you just get dumb materials integration, which isn't really very useful. Just simple stats and traits for a bunch of materials doesn't seem that useful.