wendall911 / TCIntegrations

A Minecraft 1.18+ mod designed to provide modpack integrations with other mods for Tinkers' Construct
MIT License
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Undergarden compatibility doesn't work #47

Closed KreloX closed 10 months ago

KreloX commented 10 months ago

None of the undergarden materials can be smelted in the foundry. Tinker's parts and weapons made of these materials aren't registered.

Minecraft 1.18.2 TC Integrations version: Tinker's version: Undergarden version: 0.7.1

wendall911 commented 10 months ago

You can make parts out of the mats? I didn't register any material stats, so this is working as intended. Only allow using the smeltery for melting. This isn't a materials for tool parts, with very few exceptions. You can use the materials for modifiers or abilities for the majority of the integrations.

2023-08-05_07 25 48

wendall911 commented 10 months ago

If you don't see any parts listed in JEI for a material, no parts can be made with the material. It gets silly after a while adding materials, so this mod is about providing the capabilities on tools/weapons/armor that the mod has as an integration.

wendall911 commented 10 months ago

Materials are smelting fine for me. Can you give a specific material that is an issue?

2023-08-05_07 39 48

wendall911 commented 10 months ago

Casting works as intended for nuggets, ingots and blocks. Let me know if there are any other issues. I'll leave this open, but I don't see an issue at all.

KreloX commented 10 months ago

Sorry, I still wasn't familiar with the new tinker's + newest version of JEI is behaving weird and REI doesn't work with tinkers at all, so I was confused. Sorry for bothering you.

wendall911 commented 10 months ago

Oh, no problem. I don't mind taking a look. Hopefully it helps.