wendall911 / TCIntegrations

A Minecraft 1.18+ mod designed to provide modpack integrations with other mods for Tinkers' Construct
MIT License
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Linear Phantasmal damage increase #50

Closed KermitEmperor closed 1 month ago

KermitEmperor commented 1 month ago

I have been recently messing with the mod and it seems that my cleaver's phantasmal ghost sword projectile's damage is increasing with every hit by about 0.5 damage (1.18.2 latest)

Here is the applied modifiers on the weapon in case it affects it image

wendall911 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report. Good timing, as I'm working on a 1.19.2 release now. I'll do some testing and see why it is stacking. Sounds very OP. Actually, that weapon looks OP as-is, lol.