wendall911 / TCIntegrations

A Minecraft 1.18+ mod designed to provide modpack integrations with other mods for Tinkers' Construct
MIT License
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Ice and Fire Dragonsteel only works for armor on new tcon 3 version #58

Closed PhantomPicklettv closed 1 month ago

PhantomPicklettv commented 1 month ago

Idk if im tweaking, but i sword that the Dragonsteel could be used for tools, but when i loaded the newest version of integrations up, there were only shields and armor for dragonsteel. Idk if this is a mistake but im curious

wendall911 commented 1 month ago

It isn't a mistake. I really don't want this mod to be a materials mod. Really, just focused on integration. Having the armor material, and the weapon modifiers feels like the right fit. I may revisit this at some point, but for now it is only planned to have it be for armor.

wendall911 commented 1 month ago

I think they had some integration at some point in 1.18.2, but it was pretty broken. I only did the modifiers. The molten dragonsteel stuff I just added from a user request, btw.

PhantomPicklettv commented 1 month ago

Fair enough, i was just wondering.