wendlers / micropython-mfrc522

(Micro)Python class to access the MFRC522 RFID reader
MIT License
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Can not read 7 or 10 bytes uid #16

Open hrabbe opened 5 years ago

hrabbe commented 5 years ago

I have mifare ultralight with 7byte uid. The software dont have the feature to read my RFID. Do someone here have the time to implement this feature?

gdobrasnki commented 2 years ago

Did anyone resolve this? i'm at 7 byte as well and only partial read.

I have a third party reader that read a card to a DB as 04 A3 C6 CA E2 61 80

I can use the RC512 with an adriuno UNO and read the card as 04 A3 C6 CA E2 61 80 (example and library here:https://randomnerdtutorials.com/security-access-using-mfrc522-rfid-reader-with-arduino/ )

I use your package and get the following read.

New card detected

tag type: 0x10 uid : 0x8804a3c6 Have i just been up too long? that hex isn't the same as the ones above?

Edit: Just noticing that it is a partial match

Overlap in 04 A3 C6 CA E2 61 80 but fails to collect the second half? also the 88 at the beginning doesn't show up on other readers.