wendux / DSBridge-Android

:earth_americas: A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native.
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window._handleMessageFromNative is not a function #164

Open MicroSummer opened 4 years ago

MicroSummer commented 4 years ago

window._handleMessageFromNative is not a function

Rob8it commented 4 years ago


woaimi520 commented 1 year ago

同样遇到这个问题 在OPPO R17 安卓10 系统上 加载3d资源 也出现了 类似错误 onConsoleMessage Uncaught TypeError: window._handleMessageFromNative is not a function + -- From line " │ + 1 + " of " │ + file:///android_asset/three/dist/index.html