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[transformer] Add moe_noisy_gate #2495

Open llleohk opened 2 months ago

llleohk commented 2 months ago

增加了noisy-gate 实验结果(aishell-1 20epoch)

decoding mode Normal Gate Noisy Gate
ctc_prefix_beam_search 9.60% 8.88%
att_rescoring 8.97% 8.23%

how to use: image

xingchensong commented 2 months ago


xingchensong commented 2 months ago

有paper link的话可以贴一下

llleohk commented 2 months ago

有paper link的话可以贴一下


Mddct commented 2 months ago

贴class下边 好奇完整的epoch跑完会咋样

这个作用是加速收敛呢 还是最终效果也会变好

llleohk commented 2 months ago

贴class下边 好奇完整的epoch跑完会咋样

这个作用是加速收敛呢 还是最终效果也会变好


Mddct commented 2 months ago
截屏2024-04-21 00 08 27

后边会支持模型并行, moe这里需要特殊的处理, 看到了这个 参考下 截个图放这里 ref:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/681154742

llleohk commented 2 months ago

截屏2024-04-21 00 08 27 后边会支持模型并行, moe这里需要特殊的处理, 看到了这个 参考下 截个图放这里 ref:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/681154742


xingchensong commented 2 months ago


llleohk commented 2 months ago



rookie0607 commented 2 months ago

llleohk commented 2 months ago
来了来了,结果来了: 用的aishell-1,训练个100个epochs,encoder-moe decoding mode Normal Gate Noisy Gate(train and decode) Noisy Gate (only train)
ctc_prefix_beam_search 5.60% 5.62% 5.62%
att_rescoring 5.23% 5.27% 5.27%

从结果来看感觉加noisy没啥效果,不排除是不是数据量不够多的原因。。。而且推理加noisy和不加效果一样,我简单测了一下门控输出一致性,大概是96%。 从log的loss来看,noisy的收敛是比normal要快,但是最后收敛的都差不多,这里贴个图: image

然后测了1000条音频的门控输出的标准差平均值,好像起不到负载均衡的效果。。 Normal_std:38.99761676367856 Noisy_only_train_std:41.180588894741426 Noisy_train_decode_std: 41.19181262290304

llleohk commented 2 months ago

测试了一下noisy-moe在decoder的性能, 感觉跟大模型一样,用在decoder的表现会更好

encoder-decoder的moe我显存不够跑不了,还需要各位大佬来验证一下效果了 ctc_prefix_beam_search att_rescoring
U2++-baseline 5.80% 5.06%
Normal Gate-Encoder 5.60% 5.23%
Noisy Gate(decode)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27%
Noisy Gate(only train)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27%
Normal Gate-Decoder 5.83% 5.07%
Noisy Gate(decode)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%
Noisy Gate(only train)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%
fclearner commented 1 month ago

测试了一下noisy-moe在decoder的性能, 感觉跟大模型一样,用在decoder的表现会更好


ctc_prefix_beam_search att_rescoring U2++-baseline 5.80% 5.06% Normal Gate-Encoder 5.60% 5.23% Noisy Gate(decode)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Noisy Gate(only train)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Normal Gate-Decoder 5.83% 5.07% Noisy Gate(decode)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99% Noisy Gate(only train)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%


llleohk commented 1 month ago

测试了一下noisy-moe在decoder的性能, 感觉跟大模型一样,用在decoder的表现会更好 encoder-decoder的moe我显存不够跑不了,还需要各位大佬来验证一下效果了 ctc_prefix_beam_search att_rescoring U2++-baseline 5.80% 5.06% Normal Gate-Encoder 5.60% 5.23% Noisy Gate(decode)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Noisy Gate(only train)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Normal Gate-Decoder 5.83% 5.07% Noisy Gate(decode)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99% Noisy Gate(only train)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%


个人感觉小数据量的encoder-moe 加noisy在训练可能更均衡了 但是很难训练充分,所以效果会更差


llleohk commented 1 month ago
更新一下周神贴的方法的实验结果,encoder专家数量需要根据数据量来确定,太稀疏会影响性能 ctc_prefix_beam_search att_rescoring
U2++-baseline 5.80% 5.06%
Normal Gate-Encoder 5.60% 5.23%
Noisy Gate-Encoder 5.62% 5.27%
Normal Gate-Decoder 5.83% 5.07%
Noisy Gate-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%
mask Noisy Gate(4experts)-Encoder 5.46% 5.06%
mask Noisy Gate(8experts)-Encoder 5.82% 5.40%
mask Noisy Gate(4experts)-Decoder 5.85% 5.09%
mask Noisy Gate(8experts)-Decoder 5.76% 5.04%
MXuer commented 1 month ago

测试了一下noisy-moe在decoder的性能, 感觉跟大模型一样,用在decoder的表现会更好


ctc_prefix_beam_search att_rescoring U2++-baseline 5.80% 5.06% Normal Gate-Encoder 5.60% 5.23% Noisy Gate(decode)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Noisy Gate(only train)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Normal Gate-Decoder 5.83% 5.07% Noisy Gate(decode)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99% Noisy Gate(only train)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%


  1. 上面的cer解码是流式的还是非流式的啊。
  2. 最新一条里面的,u2++-baseline,这个attention rescoring在aishell readme里面能到4.63%,您这个是因为只训练了100个epoch是吗?


llleohk commented 1 month ago

测试了一下noisy-moe在decoder的性能, 感觉跟大模型一样,用在decoder的表现会更好 encoder-decoder的moe我显存不够跑不了,还需要各位大佬来验证一下效果了 ctc_prefix_beam_search att_rescoring U2++-baseline 5.80% 5.06% Normal Gate-Encoder 5.60% 5.23% Noisy Gate(decode)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Noisy Gate(only train)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Normal Gate-Decoder 5.83% 5.07% Noisy Gate(decode)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99% Noisy Gate(only train)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%


  1. 上面的cer解码是流式的还是非流式的啊。
  2. 最新一条里面的,u2++-baseline,这个attention rescoring在aishell readme里面能到4.63%,您这个是因为只训练了100个epoch是吗?


  1. cer解码的是非流式的,如果您需要的话我可以测试一下流式的结果
  2. 我的u2++-baseline没有完全对齐aishell readme里的训练参数,我是4卡,batch size是8,训练100个epoch;decode的时候average_num设的5
MXuer commented 1 month ago

测试了一下noisy-moe在decoder的性能, 感觉跟大模型一样,用在decoder的表现会更好 encoder-decoder的moe我显存不够跑不了,还需要各位大佬来验证一下效果了 ctc_prefix_beam_search att_rescoring U2++-baseline 5.80% 5.06% Normal Gate-Encoder 5.60% 5.23% Noisy Gate(decode)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Noisy Gate(only train)-Encoder 5.62% 5.27% Normal Gate-Decoder 5.83% 5.07% Noisy Gate(decode)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99% Noisy Gate(only train)-Decoder 5.77% 4.99%


  1. 上面的cer解码是流式的还是非流式的啊。
  2. 最新一条里面的,u2++-baseline,这个attention rescoring在aishell readme里面能到4.63%,您这个是因为只训练了100个epoch是吗?


  1. cer解码的是非流式的,如果您需要的话我可以测试一下流式的结果
  2. 我的u2++-baseline没有完全对齐aishell readme里的训练参数,我是4卡,batch size是8,训练100个epoch;decode的时候average_num设的5

不用测流式的啦,就是想知道一下这个解码的策略。 感谢您的回答,感谢您的分享。