wengxyu1030 / DHS-Recode-VII

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DHS VII 2023 - Turkey2018-RW #50

Open robin-wang opened 1 year ago

robin-wang commented 1 year ago

[CHECKLIST] WORKFLOW DOC Tracker for Project Management https://github.com/Data-Whale-DC/HEFPI2022-SC-update-tasks/issues/1

[WORKING BRANCH] https://github.com/wengxyu1030/DHS-Recode-VII/tree/Turkey2018-RW

[RAW DATA] https://worldbankgroup-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/sneelsen_worldbank_org/Eu36TLZJIb5NuKfRQk_SdrYBKpl3yQhq8jkPCtdrsfM5_A


{FOR CODERS} A. General Procedural Steps

B. Checklist and Guidance

robin-wang commented 1 year ago

To be discussed: Whether to include private polyclinic as formal facilities, so far not included.

robin-wang commented 1 year ago

Diarrhea/Cough/ARI inputs all missing

robin-wang commented 1 year ago

No information on child anthropometrics