wenhulove333 / EnglishLearningPlan

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collect unknown or unfamiliar words #2

Open wenhulove333 opened 7 years ago

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago

Remember to synchronize the following words into Evernote

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


to hold attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


If a bank or other organization underwrites an activity, it gives it financial support and takes responsibility for paying any costs if it fails If a company underwrites an insurance policy, someone's property, etc., that company has an agreement to pay out money in cases of damage or loss.

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a reduction in how harmful, unpleasant, or bad something is

in mitigation

in order to try to make a crime seem less serious

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a chemical element that is a gas with no colour or taste, forms most of the earth's atmosphere, and is a part of all live things

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a window built into a roof to allow light in

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


lack of interest in someone or something

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago

the frontier of something

the limits of what is known or what has been done before in an area of the knowledge or an activity

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a long, narrow, flat part of some plants, such as beans and peas, that contains the seeds and usually has a thick skin. a long, narrow container that is attached to an aircraft for carrying engines, weapons, extra fuel, etc

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago

mess around

to spend time doing various things that are not important, without any particular purpose or plan to behave in a stupid or annoying way

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago

push sth out

to produce large quantities of something

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


relating to millennium or to the year 2000 born around year 2000

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


extremely large

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


use special signs to represent the different sounds made by the voice in speech A spelling system can be described as phonetic if you can understand how words are pronounced simply by looking at their spelling.

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


an animal which lives in or near water and has a thick shell covering its body into which it can move its head and legs for protection.

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


funny or intended to make someone laugh used to describe someone who is happy and like to make jokes

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


(of amounts or numbers) very small or not enough

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


the study of the nature and origin of the universe

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a situation or statement that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


an area of interest or activity a country ruled by a king or queen

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


carefully to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct or safe

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with

the norm

a situation or type of behaviour that is expected and considered to be typical

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


very twisted convoluted sentences, explanations, arguments, etc. are unreasonably long and difficult to understand

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


to twist something together or around something

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


roll or coil together; entwine

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


(too much) speed

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


to jump on one foot or to move about in this way to go somewhere quickly or to get into or out of a vehicle quickly If a small animal, bird, or insect hops, it moves by jumping on all or two of its feet at the same time

be a short hop

to be a short distance, especially by plane

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a car manufacturer

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


Crossing the Rio Grande, which forms the border between Texas and Mexico, presumably by swimming or wading across the river and get wet.

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know about than, other people

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


the life story of a person written by someone else


a book about a person's life, written by that person

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago

Lady Liberty

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a main road that you usually have to pay to use

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago

sleeping bag

a large, thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are sleeping outside, for example in a tent

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a person who works a lot of the time and find it very difficult not to work

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


to praise and honour God or a person to describe or represent something in a way that makes it seem better or more important than it really is

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


(of a person) very intelligent and skillful, or (of a thing) skillfully made or planned and involving new ideas and methods

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a piece of land where people on holiday can camp, usually with toilets and places for washing

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


having unlimited power and able to do anything

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


the skill or work of making and repairing wooden objects

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


to reduce something, such as a speech or piece of writing, in length to make a liquid thicker by removing some of the water to change or make something change from a gas to a liquid or solid state

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a movement or set of movements needing skill and care a planned or controlled movement or operation by the armed forces for training purposes and in war a cleverly planned action that is intended to get an advantage to turn and direct an object to try to make someone act in a particular way

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


skilfull changes of position of an aircraft, such as flying upside down or in a circle

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


legible writing or print can be read easily

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a stick with soft material attached to the end, especially used for washing floors to use a mop to wash something to use a cloth to remove sweat from the face

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago

cast sb/sth aside/away/off

to get rid of someone or something

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


a wild animal of the cat family, with yellowish-brown fur and black spots, that can run faster than any other animal

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear

wenhulove333 commented 7 years ago


to give something or someone particular name, especially describing what you think of it, him, or her to change the sounds and speech on a film or television programme a style of music or poetry connected with reggae in which the main part of the tune is removed and various special effects are added