wension / WebPerfInAction

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前言(Ethan Marcotte执笔) #2

Open wension opened 7 years ago

wension commented 7 years ago

“或许你活在一个有趣的时代” goes the old half-curse. 我不清楚你的情况,但是我感觉web永远停留在一个有趣的时代。我们为越来越来的移动设备而设计,每一款设备都比我生涯中所拥有的大多数笔记本电脑更为强大一些。但我们为Web设计涉及的范围包括经济适用的老化设备与及更为年轻的新兴市场上的更为便宜的、低功耗的设备(But we’re also designing for a web that travels over the aging infrastructure of developed economies, as well as to cheaper, low-powered mobile devices in younger, emerging markets. )。

换言之,Web变得比以往更为广泛地被访问到,但通过网站进行访问比我们想象中要脆弱得多 (fragile)。当用户请求其中一个Web页面,任何东西都可能会遭遇失败,可能是连接中断,也可能是网络延迟严重以致无法加载资源, 或许是用户超过了他们的每月数据分配额。

我们在构建数字化体验,一些是响应的,而另一些并不是,that are more beautiful than anything produced at any other point in the web’s history. 但是我们需要也要开始为性能而设计。我们需要为网络的脆弱性以及用户的屏幕宽度创建优化的网站与及服务。

wension commented 7 years ago

幸运的是,你已经开始阅读《Web性能实战一书》, 这本书正如它的书名一样将会开启你的Web性能实战之路(a book that can help you do just that). Jeremy Wagner所写的内容对于现代Web开发人员是一本不可多得的、易于阅读的参考资料, one that demystifies even the most arcane-sounding acronyms and frames even the most arcane-seeming web optimization tricks in approachable, plain language. In interesting times like these, Jeremy的指南是不可或缺的(indispensable): As you travel through these pages, you’ll gain the skills to ensure your sites are as beautiful as they are fast, nimble, and bandwidth-friendly.

Ethan Marcotte Ethanmarcotte.com 设计师 Responsive Web Design一文作者