wension / WebPerfInAction

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代码约定 #5

Open wension opened 7 years ago

wension commented 7 years ago

Code conventions

Code in this book is written in a fashion that most developers will be comfortable with. All source code in the book is in a fixed-width font like this, which sets it off from the surrounding text. In code snippets throughout the book, relevant portions are annotated for clarity. Changed portions of an existing snippet are typically set in bold font like this. Regarding the code you download from GitHub, indentations are done with tabs. When it comes to how many spaces you want a tab character to represent, that’s up to you. When I wrote the examples, I went with four spaces. The code snippets in the book follow that convention.

Source code for all working examples is available on the publisher’s website (www.manning.com/books/web-performance-in-action) as well as GitHub (https://github.com/webopt).