wentin / underlineJS

Pushing the boundary of browser typography rendering!
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Rendering issues in Firefox 53 on Windows 7 #36

Open eboCode opened 7 years ago

eboCode commented 7 years ago

Hi Wentin,

I noticed very similar issues to the ones ionelmc posted (#22) just over two years ago in this list for FF 35.0.1: "Bad rendering in firefox 35.0.1 #22." While ionelmc said he was using win 8.1, I believe I'm currently on an Enterprise version of win 7. I'll attach a screenshot here using your layout as a render: underline-js-demo_windows-7-firefox-53_04-20-17_01

Earlier today I was first introduced to some of your great work by watching the Mustache CSS video you have on Youtube shown in an article on The dot Post: Make CSS your secret super drawing tool

When I looked at underline.js earlier today on Firefox 53 for Mac OS X (El Capitan, [version 10.11]), it looked really great! I'm hopeful that a lot of this cross-browser stuff will subside, and am a bit encouraged by Microsoft withdrawing support for their older versions of IE recently.

Anyways, keep up the great work!

tomByrer commented 7 years ago

Same gaps issue on Fx55 on Win10.