wenweixiong / MARVEL

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wiggelplotr: wrong version ? #4

Closed Romeo1-1 closed 1 year ago

Romeo1-1 commented 1 year ago


Thank you again for this very useful package ! I am exploring the functionalities offered by your pacakge in my datasets.

I have an issue with adhocGene.PlotSJPosition.10x function, at the very end. For now, everything else seems to work fine.

When i

marvel <- adhocGene.PlotSJPosition.10x(MarvelObject=marvel,

I get the error that anno.colors=anno.colors & anno.label.size=anno.label.size are unused arguments

If I modify the adhocGene.PlotSJPosition.10x script to take out these 2 arguments, then I get a different image than the tutorial, without any annotations or color.

To install wiggleplotr, i used your modified version (http://datashare.molbiol.ox.ac.uk/public/wwen/wiggleplotr_1.18.0_master.tar.gz) with the install.packages("wiggleplotr_1.18.0_master.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source") command. I tried uninstalling & re-installing multiple time.

I checked the wiggleplotr.R from the wiggleplotr_1.18.0_master.tar.gz i downloaded, and I do not see any anno.colors & anno.label.size arguments in the PlotTranscript function (or in the whole script).

Do you think this error may come from the wiggleplotr_1.18.0_master.tar.gz ?

Thank you very much in advance,


wenweixiong commented 1 year ago

Hi Romeo,

Thank you so much for reaching out.

Apologies, I have inadvertently shared the unmodified (original) wiggleplort package.

Please download the modified package here: http://datashare.molbiol.ox.ac.uk/public/wwen/wiggleplotr_1.18.0.tar.gz

And then install it using this line of code: install.packages("wiggleplotr_1.18.0.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")

This modified package should now have the anno.colors and anno.label.size arguments.


Romeo1-1 commented 1 year ago

I just tried and it works perfectly ! Thank you very much