wenwenyu / PICK-pytorch

Code for the paper "PICK: Processing Key Information Extraction from Documents using Improved Graph Learning-Convolutional Networks" (ICPR 2020)
MIT License
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Error in class_utils.py: TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'specials' #96

Closed nitinajithkumar closed 3 years ago

nitinajithkumar commented 3 years ago

When trying to run train.py for custom dataset, I got a type error. The custom dataset has been prepared properly as mentioned in the description. I am using Windows OS and my python version is 3.9 . Please help with this error. here is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\PICK-pytorch\train.py", line 14, in
import model.pick as pick_arch_module File "d:\PICK-pytorch\model\pick.py", line 12, in from .graph import GLCN File "d:\PICK-pytorch\model\graph.py", line 13, in from data_utils import documents File "d:\PICK-pytorch\data_utils\documents.py", line 16, in from utils.entities_list import Entities_list File "d:\PICK-pytorch\utils__init__.py", line 3, in from .util import * File "d:\PICK-pytorch\utils\util.py", line 11, in from .class_utils import keys_vocab_cls, iob_labels_vocab_cls File "d:\PICK-pytorch\utils\class_utils.py", line 62, in keys_vocab_cls = ClassVocab(classes=Path(file).parent.joinpath('keys.txt'))#, specials_first=False) File "d:\PICK-pytorch\utils\class_utils.py", line 44, in init super().init(c,specials=specials,**kwargs) TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'specials'

Thanks in advance for your responses.

AtulKumar4 commented 3 years ago

@nitinajithkumar How you are running the train.py? Also, check config.json and entities folder for your custom dataset

nitinajithkumar commented 3 years ago

Hi @AtulKumar4 , Thanks for responding. Since I dont have system for distributed processing nor do i have a GPU. I am running it using "python train.py" with all the attributes i need as default (just testing) .

Here is a snippet:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch PICK Distributed Training')
    args.add_argument('-c', '--config', default="D:\PICK-pytorch\config.json", type=str,
                      help='config file path (default: None)')
    args.add_argument('-r', '--resume', default=None, type=str,
                      help='path to latest checkpoint (default: None)')
    args.add_argument('-d', '--device', default='0', type=str,
                      help='indices of GPUs to be available (default: all)')

    # custom cli options to modify configuration from default values given in json file.
    CustomArgs = collections.namedtuple('CustomArgs', 'flags default type target help')  # CustomArgs.flags, CustomArgs.default
    options = [
        # CustomArgs(['--lr', '--learning_rate'], default=0.0001, type=float, target='optimizer;args;lr',
        #            help='learning rate (default: 0.0001)'),
        CustomArgs(['--bs', '--batch_size'], default=2, type=int, target='train_data_loader;args;batch_size',
                   help='batch size (default: 2)'),
        # CustomArgs(['--ng', '--n_gpu'], default=2, type=int, target='n_gpu',
        #            help='num of gpu (default: 2)'),
        CustomArgs(['-dist', '--distributed'], default='false', type=str, target='distributed',
                   help='run distributed training. (true or false, default: true)'),
        CustomArgs(['--local_world_size'], default=1, type=int, target='local_world_size',
                   help='the number of processes running on each node, this is passed in explicitly '
                        'and is typically either $1$ or the number of GPUs per node. (default: 1)'),
        CustomArgs(['--local_rank'], default=0, type=int, target='local_rank',
                   help='this is automatically passed in via torch.distributed.launch.py, '
                        'process will be assigned a local rank ID in [0, local_world_size-1]. (default: 0)')

Quoting my Config,json here: { "name": "PICK_Default", "run_id":"test",


"model_arch": {
    "type": "PICKModel",
    "args": {
            "num_embeddings": -1,
            "embedding_dim": 512
            "out_dim": 512,
            "nheaders": 4,
            "nlayers": 3,
            "feedforward_dim": 1024,
            "dropout": 0.1,
            "image_encoder": "resnet50",
            "roi_pooling_mode": "roi_align",
            "roi_pooling_size": [7,7]
            "eta": 1,
            "gamma": 1,
            "learning_dim": 128,
            "num_layers": 2
                "input_size": -1,
                 "hidden_size": 512,
                 "num_layers": 2,
                 "dropout": 0.1,
                 "bidirectional": true,
                 "batch_first": true

                 "in_dim": -1,
                 "out_dim": -1,
                "dropout": 0.1

"train_dataset": {
    "type": "PICKDataset",
    "args": {
        "resized_image_size": [100, 100],
        "ignore_error": false
"validation_dataset": {
    "type": "PICKDataset",
    "args": {
        "resized_image_size": [100,100],
        "ignore_error": false
"train_data_loader": {
    "type": "DataLoader",
        "batch_size": 1,
        "shuffle": true,
        "drop_last": false,
        "num_workers": 0,
"val_data_loader": {
      "type": "DataLoader",
          "batch_size": 1,
          "shuffle": false,
          "drop_last": false,
          "num_workers": 0,

"optimizer": {
      "type": "Adam",
          "lr": 0.0001,
          "weight_decay": 0,
          "amsgrad": true
"lr_scheduler": {
    "type": "StepLR",
    "args": {
        "step_size": 30,
        "gamma": 0.1

"trainer": {
    "epochs": 1,
    "gl_loss_lambda": 0.01,
    "log_step_interval": 5,
    "val_step_interval": 10,

    "save_dir": "D:\\PICK-pytorch\\saved\\",
    "save_period": 1,
    "log_verbosity": 2,

    "monitor": "max overall-mEF",
    "monitor_open": false,
    "early_stop": 40,

    "anomaly_detection": false,
    "tensorboard": false,



entities folder is done as per their sample.

compadrejavo commented 3 years ago

It could be a problem with windows, I would recommend using Google Colab, its free and they give you a machine with GPU and ubuntu ready to use.

nitinajithkumar commented 3 years ago

Sure. I think thats the issue as well. I managed to get it running on Ubuntu. Thanks a lot.