wenzhaot / InstagramPhotoPicker

Present Image Picker like Instagram
MIT License
449 stars 71 forks source link

Camera roll functionality not implement or Missing #not an issue #10

Open sunny45 opened 9 years ago

sunny45 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the InstagramPhotoPicker .it looks great But i could not find camera roll functionality like instagram may you have missed that . if you could do that it will be great .thanks

andrewjaykeller commented 9 years ago

I'm working on making a fix for this... i have to do it for my project as well. I also implemented multiple photo selection if interested

sunny45 commented 9 years ago

Thank you for this functionality . But I am looking forward to Camera roll Functionality :)

vladzz commented 9 years ago

Hi @sunny45 if you take a look at my fork of this project I have implemented the camera roll functionality that is missing.

sunny45 commented 9 years ago

@vladzz Great Job thanks .