wenzhaot / InstagramPhotoPicker

Present Image Picker like Instagram
MIT License
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Closed alexrmacleod closed 9 years ago

alexrmacleod commented 9 years ago

I dragged the project files into my session and been playing around with the loadPhotos function. But can't seem to make it load up all the photos from a persons photos library. any help appreciated! whenever I change the "ALAssetsGroupSavedPhotos" to anything else I get no photos!

wenzhaot commented 9 years ago

May be it has no photos in your selected group type?

alexrmacleod commented 9 years ago

Did some research... IOS8 uses a new photo framework. PHPhotoLibrary etc... ALAssetsLibrary only works with IOS7 and below. And chance you could update it? I'm struggling to any help appreciated.

wenzhaot commented 9 years ago

Really?ALAssetsLibrary works with iOS8 very fine! I will consider PHPhotoLibrary later.