An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)
But i want the input field ids not to be named 'h_input' and 'min_input' but instead of that 'h_input'+number respectively 'min_input'+number and number is coming from php (ajax_load_stempeluhr.php) field 'ID'.
Is such complex naming thing possible?
Best regards
the following code works excellent:
But i want the input field ids not to be named 'h_input' and 'min_input' but instead of that 'h_input'+number respectively 'min_input'+number and number is coming from php (ajax_load_stempeluhr.php) field 'ID'.
Is such complex naming thing possible? Best regards Daniel